
I want to know if somebody knows any cheap dental clinic where i can go for inplants and whitening.

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I want to know if somebody knows any cheap dental clinic where i can go for inplants and whitening.




  1. Implants are not something you can shop around for a cheaper price. I have dental implants and know of many who did this with disastrous results. I know of a woman that a dentist advertised dental implants just to shatter her jaw. There are dentists who take a weekend course and think they can place implants successfully and they can't. You have to find someone who places them often with great success. Also that they let you speak to satisfied patients. I know mine does. I am one of them :)

  2. You have not mentioned your state/country. Implants and whitening procedures are untouchables with insurance. Google search for Cheap Dental Clinic India. Get price quote and compare with the ones in your area and decide.

  3. The most cost effective location for implants is a dental school.  Treatment takes longer, but you can save substantial amounts of $$$.  Many of the larger urban centers have dental schools or oral surgery residencies and are always looking for patients.

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