
I want to know if someone is still alive?

by Guest63373  |  earlier

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My Grandmother had a son who was put in a home because he had some type of disease and she couldn't look after him. This would have been about in the 1950's.

How could I find out if he is still alive?

Oh, and this would be in Australia (but I live in the UK).




  1. Hire aDetective or check sites like friends reunited and stuff


    Do a bit of checking to see how recent the death records are, you may find that as with uk ancestry, deaths after the 80's are very much more likely to be logged.

  3. Have a look at the web site below, you can find all sorts here

    Good luck and good hunting

  4. go to the government offices and ask for birth/death records.

    Ask relatives if they know where he was placed, then you could look into the homes and call them if necessary.

    Old medical records could also help.

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