
I want to know if the perseid meteor shower is gonna be visible here in the philippines and when is the best i

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i have read about the other meteor showers and am sad that i've missed to see any of them.. if the perseid meteor shower is gonna be visible.. i'd really like to watch it..




  1. Don't be too sad, we pass through the Perseids and the Leonids every year.  You will have a chance.  I'm not sure how your location on Earth matters, but here, in Colorado, especially away from the cities, they make a particularly good show, supposedly the best time of night to watch is around 4 in the morning.  I got up to do that once last year, and was unimpressed.  any time after dark can be good, in my opinion, it's about the luck of getting to see a few.  I remember one year when we were driving west, and saw what looked like grenades falling, quite spectacularly, and we saw something like ten of them in less than an hour!  Never seen another like it!  most times it's just a few shooting stars...just watch the skies in the darkest place you can get to, and try to make your peripheral vision as wide as you can by not actually focusing on one point, and you ought to get lucky.

    I had to check the dates, and found this:

  2. Perseid Meteor shower is visible in Philippine sky this August, usually peaking on August 12. I've watched this annual phenomenon, they are coming from Northeast sky.

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