
I want to know if there's any jamaicans living in Brazil?

by Guest10917  |  earlier

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The Reason im asking this question is because i'am jamaican and i im going to be in brazil early of next year.Do anyone know?




  1. There´s a lot of rastafaris and reggae is very, VERY popular in Brazil. In paulista avenue there´s a lot of rastafaris(but I don´t know if they are jamaicans.

  2. How can I know? Not enough to be noted, for sure. Never heard about. Maybe there are 15 or 25 Jamaicans in Brazil.

  3. In Salvador, Bahia there is at least one Jamaican owned hotel and many shops and restaurants in the Pelourinho.

  4. I might be able to help you if you take the time & make the effort to check out those few informative, helpful & interesting links right here...

    What do you think buddy?

    Besides, you're traveling to a foreign & exotic land, aren't you?

    Don't you want to meet some friendly locals instead while you're in Brazil and leave your fellow Jamaicans behind, at least for a little while?

    I heard that most Brazilian women are hot!

    Yah man...

    Where are you going by the way?

    Have you watched those movies yet?

    Better be safe than sorry, at least as far as the second movie is concerned!

    Good luck to you & be careful!

  5. There are Jamaicans living in Brasil, you can try Yahoo groups to find a Jamaican club there.

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