
I want to know if this is weird?

by Guest56625  |  earlier

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I have a friend that I am really close to...she is kinda like a mother figure to me as I never had my biological mother around much..and she died 2 years ago. I am 20 and my friend is 35...age isn't an issue for us at all. I experienced a sexual assault when I was 14 that resulted in me getting son is now 6 years old. Since then I have not been interested in guys or s*x at all. She taught me that not everyone is out to hurt I want to know if talking to her about the lovely s*x tpoic wuold be strange...she has told me it wouldn;t...but I am not comfortable talking to her about...I have never had these types of convos with my parents as they were this normal to want to talk to her about this subject? and if would I start the conversation




  1. its not weird at all...just start by like saying something that would lead up to that point and it should just fall into place

  2. It is normal to want to talk about it. You can start the conversation by saying, "Remember how you told me that not everyone is out to hurt me?" and segue into it.

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