
I want to know more history?

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at school, i learn not alot of history, just about the war, in northern ireland, and england, i want to learn more history, like american history, what there is, the presidents, the maseons (?)

anything, anyone, got anything they could tell me, if uve seen national treasure, i want to know the stuff like, the decloraion of idependence, and so on. in scool, i dont learn it, but i want to, help please any oe have anything, like a long passage, please send it to


please help

like please maybe the important people as well.




  1. Buy the book "1776" by David McCullough. That is good for the American Revolutionary War.

    If you want to learn more on George Washington, read "His Excellency" by Joseph Ellis.

  2. There are no end of books on history - virtually every aspect of history has had a book written on it. Ideally you should start with your local library - but you should be able to find stuff on line if that's a problem. It is best to start with a very general overview of whatever subject you are interested in. I deal with architectural history, but am always amazed when I see accounts which get the Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval periods muddled up (this in the UK btw). Getting the basics clear is a great help to understanding how one historical period relates to another.

    This is quite a useful start:

  3. The wiki is a good place to start there is information about just about every thing to do with history

  4. Here's a link to a web site with links to reference sites and lots of other subjects you may find yourself interested in at some time.

    On the lower right hand side of the page there is a link to Social Studies which will have further links to History.

    I know you'll wander off track in following the history of the world, but you should really start with ancient history, the beginning of man and civilization in Mesopotamia and go through the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians, Celts, Incas, and other early Civilizations. Then move on to the Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, French, Spanish, Exploration, Religious persecution, Pilgrims coming to the Americas, American Indians, United States history, the American Civil War, American Indians again, more migration to the United States, WWI, the Depression, WWII. There's a ton of stuff to learn and read about and when you come across something you want to know more about do a web search on that. Have fun.

  5. have you not thought of reading history books or even wiki on the internet

  6. You want to read about the Great War of Independence, England and France were involved in this war too.

    Then you want to read up on one of the most bloody wars on american soil ever, The american civil war.  North vs South,  Unionists vs Confederates,  Freedom vs Slavery...

    Then you want to read up on America during the 2 world wars, the 2nd world war namely.  You'll notice how they didn't get involved up until pear harbour was blown to smitherines, thats when uncle sam decided to put down the 1/4 lb cheese burger fries and shake, wipe his mouth and bully the world.  And its been that way since.

    Although the war on terrorism and islamic f@cks must go on. GO USA !

  7. why don't you go to your local library and check out a few books

  8. At a slightly younger age than you i to wanted to learn about history to me a fascinating subject to my peers a very boring one . Do not be downhearted there is a world of books in the local library, (and if there is not one near there will be a mobile service in your area) on every subject in the world and you also have the internet that will answer almost every question that you wish to know . I came from a very poor working class background and now so many years later i have degrees in Greek, Roman , and European History. So if i can do it so can you , Good luck  

  9. Try Library, and there are many great Sites to try on computer, just key in what you want to know,,,, Also try Wikipedi,com

  10. Books are the best sources but if you can't get to a library, you can read quite a lot of books online. Have a look at

    Hope that helps.

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