
I want to know the name and address of this phone number 02089312450 in UK?

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I want to know the name and address of this phone number 02089312450 in UK?




  1. nope thats not in the uk lol:P

  2. Ring Directory enquiries.

  3. I think the data protection act may have something to say about that

  4. Phone the number and ask them.

  5. Seems to be around the Wimbledon area - definitely London. If it's not a business its unlikely to show the person's name and address via a search engine - afraid if you need to know you're going to have to dial the number.

  6. i feel sorry for the persons number it is cos since its posted on the net lotsa people mite prank/ring it! lol

  7. Go to typoe in the number scroll down and it will show a link to  a map o the area! however  doesnt display address! but gives other info! I m not wrigin down street names form map as they could be reading this LMAO!

  8. thats an outer london phone number. 0207 is central london. 0208 is nearing towards the outskirts. just ring it, or google it

  9. Its a London number, Ring it and find out who answers!

  10. Ring it and see who answers

  11. googled it but nothing shows

  12. There are lots of US services for 'reverse phone' enquiries but I havent found a UK one. The only UK source I can find is to buy a CD containing the electoral roll/full UK telephone directory and do a search.  But that costs a lot and it'll only work if they are on the directory.

    I did find that numbers starting with those are allocated to NTL ltd - so thats their telephone supplier!  But its a really good question - has anyone else managed to find a UK reverse enquiry site?

    PS The data protection act must be irrelevant if peoples phone numbers and names and addresses are published in telephone directories - all we are talking about is a way to search a directory.  Its only confidential if its ex-directory.

  13. Phone them and ask.

    I'm sure there some kind of data protection laws that would stop us all from finding a name and address from a phone number, so I don't think directory enquiries would be able to help you.

  14. Call the number and ask.....what's hard about that?

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