
I want to know what are my chances of seeing war, battle, or anything that is anti-war active?

by  |  earlier

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I am an "AM" for the Navy. I ship out to Chicago for training in November. My parents are worried sick, and I have no idea of a percentage to give them.




  1. its 50/50 no matter what branch you're in and no matter what your job is

  2. Could you clarify that last part? "Anti-war active"???

    Ok, doesn't clarify why it is important... enlisting at this time is wrong if you don't believe in the Mission... the chances are 50/50 that you will deploy to one of the hot spots.. if you enlisted just for education benefits, and not Service to our Country, then you will be disappointed... we are in trying times...

    In all honesty, it is riskier to live in many of our cities, or to drive a car on the interstate, than it is to serve in Iraq.

    I see by your other "questions" that you joined for the wrong reasons---"and go back to my ALREADY BAD *** JOB AND DEGREE, I came ONLY to Navy to get my school loans paid off...."... yeesh.

  3. I'm not really sure what "anti-war active" means, but just tell your parents that when you join the military, there is a really good chance that you'll actually have to go & do military stuff.

    Since you're going to be in the Navy, I wouldn't worry about you going hand to hand with the bad guys.

    Unless you're going to be a Corpsman, CB or SEAL, you'll be a long way from the fighting.

    Addition:  Since when do service members get to pick & choose which orders they will follow?  If you're afraid that you might not support the decisions of our elected officials, you need to back out of service not waist your time.

  4. You are Anti-War yet are in the military.  That is a strange combo.  However as part of the Navy you will probably see very little direct combat.  Most fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is Army/Marines.  You may only see armed conflict if we were to get into a nation with a formitible navy which few nations have.  Many navy ships carry on support roles, unless you are a pilot which then you might see direct combat from 40,000 ft.

    Just out of curiosity you say "Carry on an Armed Conflict."  Does this pertain to us being the defender cause in that case you really should not be joining the military as if we are attacked I hope all of our wonderful military personal would fight a prolonged war to ensure our victory

  5. It sounds like you hope that you will not have to go to war.  All members of the military probably hope the same thing.

    However, the military prepares all servicemen if faced with the probability that if our nation enters a war, each member must be able and ready to go to war. This is why we have a military.

    Given that you are in the Navy, your chances of having to go to war are slim or not.  However, the US keeps warships in Middle-East waters and other places where they may be needed.

  6. Just point out to them that you're in the Navy, Iraq's a desert, not many ships in the desert.

    There is no guarantee, being in the military there is always a chance, even the Coast Guard sees action. In your position, if you go to Iraq you will be on an airbase, very well protected.

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