
I want to know what goes on in fathers heads?

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When a father plays a very faint role in their child's life why is it that you are always in the wrong and they are right? I do not understand these deadbeat father's that think they deserve something in life when they can't take care of what is supposed to be their top priority!




  1. hello um.......... they r stuck up

  2. Fathers is something that is missing in a lot of homes but that doesn't mean you have to bow down before them, standards and beliefs must be kept.  Fathers who figure out their priorities late in life are those that cause more hurt that they can imagine, but they can make up when they stick around.  Sometime fathers do not know what their priorities are but we must try our best to help them out befor it is too late.

  3. My 11 year old daughter is adopted. She is my #1 priority in life. She is the reason that I wake up in the morning. I love her more than anyone and anything. I love her more than life itself... I put her before my wife and God.  My goal in her life is to be the best father that I can be. I take my responsibility towards her very seriously. I want her to think for herself and be free and mentally stable. My decision to be a parent was not taken lightly. She was well thought out and planned over many years. I don't take my job as her father for granted! Any father that doesn't see what a blessing their child is is really missing out. It's the best decision that I ever made. That is what is in my mind anyways... I had an abusive father, but his vicious cycle did not continue with me. I do not use my miserable childhood as a "crutch" to fall back on or make excuses in life with... Instead, I learned what not to do and what I want for my child. God willing she will be a well adjusted, functioning adult. She's such a blessing and enriches my life profoundly!

  4. some fathers just dont know what they have. some may really have it in their head they wanted a boy, not a girl. somefathers dont care. and like my husband at first. he was scared whether or not he would be a good daddy or not, nows hes the best. it just takes time. a lot of guys, are scared they will hurt them if they hold them the wrong way, maybe itll get better when child is older.

  5. How is this an adoption-related question?

    Can you please post in the appropriate category next time? Thank you.

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