
I want to know what oil is. they say it's fossil fuel,I think it's lube,for our planet.What fills the gap?

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Thier has ot be gaps or caves made by us draining this oil from the ground. Oil is a renewable sorce. Their's gotten to be caves in the earth. Just like my cup of pop,when I drink it to empty it will not come back. but what if I crush it.




  1. Extraction of oil and natural gas does occasionally cause the earth to collapse, but most deposits are so deep that their removal has no effect on the surface.  Even the little oil wells here in the midwest are something like two miles deep.  Most oil and gas lives in the pores of sandstone, sort of soaked into the rock.  

    If petroleum is renewable, nobody knows about it.  No depleted well has ever gone back into conventional production.

  2. the reason that people say it is a fossil fuel is because 2 german scientists in the 1800's looked at the chemical make up of it, it resembled the makeup of coal, so they called it a fossil fuel.  it was actually disproven 2 years later, but it had already been accepted by the masses so it was never fully disclosed.  now more research is being done and proving again that it is not a fossil fuel, but a byproduct of natural processes within the earth (believed to be related to the condensation of methane) like rocks being melted within the earth's core to become magma

  3. You can only call oil renewable (sustainable) if you reduce current usage to the point that current reserves will last until today's plants fossilize back down to the oil used indefinitely; that will not happen.

    Oil could be in a cavern, but most likely it is found in the cracks and small voids found underground; accumulatively the voids would make a large volume that is under pressure.

    What if you crush the cup?

  4. The fossil that the oil comes from is plant not animal. It is part of the plants cycle of taking in CO2 and giving us back the O2 ,but the plant keeps the C ,which is converted to oil in the plant.

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