
I want to know what the translation of this is from latin to english aeternus eternus amicitia?

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I want to know what the translation of this is from latin to english aeternus eternus amicitia?




  1. aeternus eternus :  eternal, everlasting, without end.

    amicitia :  friendship

    So, I'd suggest "eternal friendship" as the meaning.

  2. Aeternus Eternus Amicitia is everlasting/eternal friendship

  3. It's garbage - probably from some online transaltion site where someone put in 'eternal friendship' in English and got this out.

    The first two words are alternate spellings for the same Latin word, in masculine gender. The third word is OK, but it's feminine gender, so neither of the first two words can go with it.

    Amicitia aeterna (or eterna) = Eternal friendship.

  4. It means "Eternal Friendship".  Just go to a Latin -English Translation website and you'll find out.  :D  

    P.S.  This is the one I went to :

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