
I want to know what these parts mean in this paragraph: "aquisition of..., n what is meant by the stock? ?

by Guest66860  |  earlier

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the stock of which company? and what is meant by "in terms of return" in this paragraph?:

This contrarian approach rook guts, but Buffett was unwilling to go the easier but less ethical route of unfriendly takeovers, greenmailing (holding firms to ransom by buying up their stock), or dealing in junk bonds. A good example is his acquisition of a portion of the Washington Post, the paper that had uncovered the Watergate scandal. The stock was selling as if the company was worth $100 million, but its assets were worth four times that. The political side of it appealed to Buffett, and he made a lifelong friendship in its president, Katherine Graham. In terms of return, Berkshire's initial $10 million investment in this company became $205 million at the time Lowenstein was writing, and in 2003 the stake was worth $1.3 billion.




  1. "acquisition of" - buffet bought some stock in the Washington Post newspaper.

    the stock is washington post stock.

    Return means profit.

    A company..can either be owned by an individual owner... partners.. or it can be a corporation.. a corporation is owned by the people.. you buy "stock" or "shares" or... peices of the company...and the money you spend on those " stocks" are used to fund the companies operations... any one can buy stock in a company and the better a company is doing the higher their stock price is... for example google is like 400 dollars a stock because it is a very sucessful company right now.

    So buffet acquired or bought some stock in washington post so he owns part of the newspaper.

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