
I want to know what to make of this dream i had the other night?it freaked me out ?

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Well in my dream, I am with my mom, we are at this place , a business i guess, 2 ppl are there a man and a lady, ( thier english is a little poor , thier main language is spanish. it starts with my mom , she goes into this room for a type of cleansing, i'm guessing we are at a botanica ....anyway , when she comes out of the room she says she feels this big weight has been lifted off her shoulders. she has this feeling of being set free. so she says its my turn to go in so i am a little hesitant , but i go. the lady and man ask me to kneel over as they pray over me, whatever they are trying to do doesnt work, they say they are not strong enough , they are acting like something is wrong , so they call another lady in, she is much older than the other 1. she starts chanting and praying over me and then i start to feel this pain in my back as if something is trying to get out of my back... finally she says its over..... then she tells me that the reason they needed extra help from the older lady was because she was stronger and had more experience. i was told i had a hex on me, and that i have had it for years, thats the reason for all the bad luck i have had over time, she also said that i would have to becareful because the next time it happened to me it can result in death .... can anyone tell me what this means ...Help! i even woke up with this terrible pain in my back , just like in the dream




  1. Maybe wat the dream is trying to tell u is that u should become more religious. if u do become more religious then u wont get anymore bad luck.

  2. Okay, notice that your mom went in to get her cleansing all by herself.  In your dream, your mom just went in, and nobody prayed for her.  Nobody had to "help" her.  But when your turn came, the man and the woman prayed for you and then said they were not strong enough. I'll continue with the dream in a moment, but the message up until this point is quite clear.  Your mom was strong enough, and YOU are strong enough.  You just aren't fully aware of it, but the dream is meant to teach you with its storyline that you ARE strong enough.

    What you're working on in life right now is cleansing your mind and your thinking of all the ideas that you did not come up with yourself.  You want to be your own person, and I think you might be trying to find wise people who will give you advice you feel that you can trust.

    You also said the couple looked as if something was wrong.  This means that the people around you really are trying to help you when they give you advice, and they think they're doing right.  They look like something is wrong all of a sudden because they don't realize that their praying for you, and their concern over you is actually not right for them.  What this still means to you is that any decision is ultimately yours.

    They then call in the older lady...the much older lady.  Since you see this person as older, you perceive her wisdom and power.  This is why what she does works, but it also resulted in a pain in your back.  This, too, is another message to make your own decisions. Think about your own life, yourself, especially on an eternal level, as all dreams are messages from your immortal self.

    The reason you were told that you have a hex on you in the dream, and previous bad luck, is because you have a tendency to take to heart the wise advice given to you by your elders, or those you perceive as being wiser than yourself.  There's nothing wrong with looking up to someone you admire temporarily, to pretend you're them to try to imagine how they see the world.  But to take their advice fully without weighing it against what you already know about yourself and your place in the world would indeed result in you hexing yourself by allowing the advice someone else gave you to become part of your identity.  Sure, hear the advice, consider it, but definitely always assimilate it into what you already know without letting it take over your mind as a religion or mantra.

    As for the last part where it refers to the next time "it" can result in death, since you've already experienced the fear of the dream, I'm not hurting you by telling you this, but helping you.  I think this is a little mental riddle being played on you by your higher, immortal self.  It is meant to test your courage to face your fear of death.  I think this is telling you that the next time you take someone's advice to heart and live by it, it will result in the death of the part of yourself that tends to do that, which results in growth as a person.  It turns you, indeed, into the kind of person who makes up her own advice in her own mind, and you will create your own belief system and live by it, instead of taking on the dogma and doctrines of others or their organizations.


  3. All I know about dream interpretation comes from Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams," I'm not at all qualified, just as a disclaimer.  So what I think may be the case is that you felt your back hurt in your subconscious.  Maybe you've been feeling guilty or incredibly unlucky sometime lately, and so your subconscious played on these two things and made up a reason, a cleansing of your body from that bad luck, and a forewarning not to make yourself feel that way again.  I don't think it's anything serious, personally, just your subconscious reconciling your conscious thoughts and worries and pains into something connected in your dreams.

  4. Hi,

    I wonder whether your dream is true or not.

    Are you under any "hex" or "spell"?

    Probably, this dream could be telling you the truth.

    If it's true, then you really need to get help.

    The hex is demonic and it needs to be broken.

    Feel free to email me if you need help in dealing with the "hex".

  5. Well that's a crazy dream ...most likely it's nothing even the pain in your back was something in dream like you moved wrong or something.Did you watch something scary or thrilling,or you maybe saw a baptism (sounds kinda Mormon,the dream is almost like you are being saved or God's trying to save you!!!) think about it maybe i use to have a lot of bad luck too but 2 years ago I found God again so maybe he is looking for you to come to him....I Don't have as bad of luck as i did 2years ago before i joined so maybe check out a good church......

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