
I want to know what would be out there for someone in situation who is interested in reciving an education???

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It's not a very uncommon thing,but, I do need some sug. ...I'm getting thrown out of my home and I've been given 2 days....(here's the kicker) my parents are gone,no family members williing and I'm not even 20 yet! but ,there is one know how an average human being around the ages of 8-15 display some sort of interest or liking to one or more careers my interest was and is still very say the least , i've always been infatuated with the idea of learning more and became an addiction to learning......some people call it being a "nerd",others "weirdo", still my interest in science,social studies,geography,chemistry,astrology,my... and spanish literature)sociology,anthropology,archae... and ontology ...among many others has not waivered, is it all a waste?? is




  1. It's not all a waste.  I would suggest going to college though.  Go into a financial aid office and talk to someone.  See what they can do for you to go to school.  If you don't have family, you may be able to find a lot of aid.  In addition to financial aid, a lot of institutions have work opportunities to help pay for school.  I know that some forms need to be received earlier in the year.  So, you might want to look into getting a place to live and work temporarily.  Things may have changed in 10 years, but I found enough financial aid to live on and go to school.  Just be careful of student loans since they need to be paid back (obviously).

    You can start out undeclared to get some basic coarses in.  This would give you more time to decide what you want to do.  Most undeclared advisors are equipped to help individuals as yourself.  And then, just because you pick a career, doesn't mean that you can't change it.  I changed my major twice.  Also, I am now looking to shift what I do to something else.  That is a little trickier, but it can be done.

    Teaching would be a great one for you because you can teach a variety of subjects.  Also, you can still take classes in the summer to learn more even after you have a job in the field.  Usually, people like yourself are great teachers because your thirst for knowledge is contagious.  Just be careful not to take too many classes at one time (I did that too)

  2. Be a teacher.  Teachers are life long learners.

  3. An English major, with minors in spelling and grammer.

  4. Of course it is not a waste. Never. There is no such thing as too much education. Maybe your parents just think it's time you became independent. Get into the working world and pull your own weight. Certainly, you can do that. And by no means does that mean you quest for learning has to stop. You don't need to trade one for the other. In fact, one would compliment the other. Experience backs up knowledge very nicely. At 20 years old, you should be independent of you parents. They did their job, now you have to do yours. And no one will ever tell you, you can't continue learning.

    You don't need to be concerned about a career if you haven't chosen one yet. First order of business is getting out and get pulling your own weight. Even if you have five jobs over the next five years, so what? Not every action needs to be a direct course towards your future. We're allowed indirect courses too.

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