
I want to know what you think of this tattoo and what your interpretation is?

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thats the link. i was thinking of getting it on the back of my neck. what do you think when you see it? first thing that comes to your head?




  1. If you want to go for it, it's a pretty cool tat. My instant interpretation is heart of a christian, which is cool if you into the religious stuff.

    However, I would not recommend getting it on your neck. That's a hard place to cover for a formal dinner, a wedding, a job interview or anywhere else that you want to be respectable. A lot of people's opinions instantly drop when they see someone with a tat no matter how neat or meaningful it is.

    My advice is to get it on your lower back or on your upper arm. It would look very cool and is easy to cover. I have three tats and am a student teacher for a bunch of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders, so I know that in most good professions, they require you to keep them covered so clients, students, etc can't see them.

  2. obviously, it's a cross being stabbed into the heart of a vampire.

  3. I think, "Why would somebody get a tattoo a symbol that they don't know the meaning of?" Like the chinese symbols that my son got tattoed on his neck mean nothing like what he thought it meant, and the Chinese guys with the F-bomb on their T shirts thought it was a pro basketball player.

  4. that is awesome

  5. It's a tribal style face with erotic overtones. Well done.

  6. It seems to be like a of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Which has great symbolism and meaning.  I have a spin of the Immaculate Heart myself.  It's great tattoo.

  7. At first it looks common..but when you look it again, it's a good symbol for your love of God. But if I were you, don't put it on your neck.  Put it in a place where you could easily see it. :D

  8. love of your faith

    or faith and love united

    it's really cool looking. with or without the cross it's awesome

  9. cute!!

  10. kind of romeo and juliet with the heart shape thing going on. i don't think the nape is a good place for it though

  11. christianity

  12. the first thing that comes to my mind is religion.  

  13. it don't look half bad is it the crucifying of jesus  

  14. God is Love

  15. looks like a religous way of saying broken heart or that you love god.

    please answer mine.

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