
I want to know when i am going to marry its a love or arrange marriage?

by  |  earlier

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hello every body,

please anybody can tell me when i am going to marry and that will be a love or arrange marriage and my would be will be a celebrity or not my DOB is 2-10-1981. time of birth unknown please help me out .




  1. Who told you that you will ever be married?

  2. visit You will get married soon

  3. go to a palmist rather

  4. cant answer without time of birth

    but best of luck

  5. why would you want to get married?

    Only crazy people do that.

  6. marriage in 5/2011 ,no love marriage.

  7. You need to disclose your place of birth,time(atleast approximate) of birth along with your date of birth to analyse your horoscope.

  8. From vedic astrological point of view exact time, date and place of birth and name are essential to make a horoscope. However 'Prassan Maarg' is a little different but still requires the exact, time, place and name as well. Better to consult some one expert in Vedic Astrology.

  9. i dun't think any1 can asnwer dat w/out time.... the time will tell u who u gonna marry, iz it gonna be luv or arrange...dun't wht eve happens in ur life iz gonna be fo gud....!!!1

  10. Dear friend,

    Mare date of birth doesn't serve the purpose, time and place of birth is also required. However, it depends upon you, how do you want to marry. For love marriage, you are supposed to know the girl very closely, else, there could be problems. Moreover, go ahead according to Sun Sign. But, it is a must for you to know the girl closely for a upcoming married life.

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