
I want to know who I am?

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I'm adopted and i want to know who my birth parents are and how i can find them and everything bout kinda scared but i dont know where to start to find out any type of information..i just want to know... any tips?




  1. Ask your adoptive parents.. or your guardians.. I don't know who you grew up with but ask the ones that took care of you.  They should be able to tell you where to start.  

    If you know your adopted then they should have no problem telling you more.

  2. I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that you would have to be 18 before you can get any information on them. That's what my mom told me. I still don't know anything about my birth parents because I'm under 18.

  3. drumroll please........... you are......


  4. First you must understand that this will only help you find your past. Next ask your parents about the adoption and your biological family. They should have a idea as to what step to take next.

  5. Try talking to your adopted parents first. They do have the file the adoption agency gave them with your info. The name of your birth parents should be in the file.

    Hope you find your parents.

  6. Lizzy

  7. Make sure your ready for an emotional roller coaster ride.

    I guess just ask your adoptive parents if you could or at least give you a last name and such.

    Good luck,

    but remember, some things are better left unsaid or done.

  8. I would talk to your adoptive parents about it, ask them where you can find your real parents, i'm sure you can :) just ask them and they can help you

  9. ask your parents first, they can always help you and you all can do it together. I hope you get information ; )

  10. I would ask the folks that you live with. however i do know that you have to be 18 years old.

    My mom was adapted and she found her birth mother and her birth mother told her that she wants nothing to do with her. my mom was divested.. And still is. She feels like no one really ever loved or wanted her. Be prepared to hear not good news. I believe that my mom wishes that she never looked for her birth mother cause now she has had rejection. over and over from the women who had her.

    Good luck. But don't get your hopes up..

  11. Ask your adoption parents first. If they have no clue keep trying. Good Luck!

  12. your lizzy, your who God created you to be

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