
I want to know why it is getting darker earlier this year of 2008-pacific time zone?

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my co-workers and myself have noticed that it is already getting darker early, since my birthday is at the end of August, and it is always light at 2030-why is the change




  1. I dont have a real good answer for that.

    It isnt only you guys who's nights are getting darker sooner. I am in the midwest and our nights are getting dark around 8 p.m.

    The closer school becomes they dark it gets in the earlier hours.

    We (the US) are hitting a point right now where it has to do with the sun and the moon hitting each other or something along the lines of that and thats why. It actually happens every year here. Also we will have to be turning our clocks up and hours or back an hour soon! EW! Less sleep!

    How about you?

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