
I want to know why liberals hate my beloved President Bush on the messageboards?

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I want to know why liberals hate my beloved President Bush on the messageboards?




  1. He is a murderor. I see you like murderors.

  2. I don't hate him personally, I just hate his stupidity.

    Anyone who can declare a war on terrorism, and go after a person who had nothing to do with 9/11. Is 100% stupid.

    He went after sadamm, not because of what he was doing to his people, but because he insulted his Daddy.

    Also he has many comments to s***w the American People, we are too stupid to figure out what is going on. WRONG??

    So please take your beloved Bush, over to Iraq, and both of you live on the front lines of he*ll.

  3. in answer to your question, look at your name... aren't you from the Nawlins area? Are you really crazy?  maybe so if you love Bush :)

  4. Before the Iraq war, no one really beleived Iraq was amassing weapons of mass destruction.  

    It proved to be true and now look at the mess the whole area is in.

    Worse, it is now nearly impossible to walk away from the mess.

    Don't tell me Bush did not know this.

  5. He and his followers consider everyone who "disagree" with them "the ENEMY" and no other President outside of Nixon has been that Paranoid.  So, if he's paranoid, it makes you wonder what he's hiding, after all, Nixon WAS hiding something!  The CONSTANT SMIRK doesn't help.  The very IDEA that PROTESTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED NEAR HIS SPEECHES IS OUTRAGEOUS, and the fact that they feed questions to "Forum audience members" and if they see a bumper sticker on your car in the parking lot (SERIOUSLY) they will get your I.D., go into the "hall and remove you before you can ask him a hard question" that smacks of nazism (this has been proven on television's 60 Minutes).  Three people were removed from "village roundtable question discussions with the president" because one had an anti-oil sticker, one had an anti-war bumper sticker and another had a similar sticker, yet NO ONE ELSE was asked to leave.

    Sounds kind of odd to me!

  6. Basically, because before the shrub implanted himself in the white house, my family was financially secure.  

    Now, because the pres is anti-labor union, my husband's job is constantly on the line.

    Oh, and let's not forget the price of gasoline.

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