
I want to know your opinion on IKEA furniture

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Ive heard good and bad things about ikea furniture and i just want to get other peoples opinion.




  1. Nice designs and good prices if you like modern stuff.

    But for items you use a lot, consider that the finishes are often a particle board covered by foil that chips easily and cannot be fixed.

    I think it would be great if it's an item that doesn't require constant wear--also I wouldn't want to move Ikea furniture because it might end up being damaged. Good luck with your purchase!

  2. Ikea furniture is good furniture for someone who is moving out of their parent’s house for the first time – you can get a nice look at an inexpensive price. Or if you still live at home and want some nice things for your room.

    They also have nice accessory pieces BUT if you want things for the long haul or you want quality, well made items that are going to last a long time – Ikea is not the place to shop.

    If you were to select five furniture stores Ikea would be one at the low end.

    I would say save your money and get something that will last.

    Ikea furniture is poor quality and not meant to last especially items that are going to be used every day.

    A shelf – a lamp – a mirror – storage - YES.

    Furniture – NO. It’s c**p.

    It’s not a place for grown-ups. So when you become a big girl or a big boy you will not shop at Ikea any more.

    Fine furniture is not made out of particle board or Masonite.

  3. I think your best bet is storage and office furniture from Ikea, they have various sizes and types that can fit your needs and not be too expensive

  4. I cannot comment on the design and if you like it or not, but I can comment about how breakable and fragile this stuff is. It will only last for two moves and after that, it seems to self destruct as its not made very well and its low quality. However, it doesn't look bad.

  5. if your looking more for comfort i would not go with IKEA but if you're looking for a fun look and don't care if its that comfortable IKEA is good.  It's not uncomfortable but is not that big comfy chair you always imagined in the middle of your living room.

  6. Ikea furniture is usually interesting and uniquely designed, however the quality often leaves something to be desired.

    My biggest gripe about Ikea, is the store layout... you are forced to walk through the entire store, every isle, every floor, to get from the door to the checkout.

  7. there are real good deals and the stuff looks good for what you paid for ! Its not the most fun I have ever had putting some of the stuff together but I will say they stand by the stuff they sell - I had to get extra screws and also return some things and there customer service is great.

    The people that say Ikea is c**p are the type that wanted something from Dania and couldn't afford it ...Its good stuff and you get what you pay for - this isn't furniture your going to have forever but it will get the job done and look good doing it till you can afford to shop at Dania  

  8. Pro:

    Very stylish

    Very modern

    Long lasting


    Great design

    good food (lol, i know it has nothing to do with the furnitures but i like their food there!)


    Quality is so-so

    Not always good material

    Sometimes price is too high for some furnitures

    It really depends on the person too. If he/she takes good care of the furnitures, etc.

    I'd give IKEA furnitures a 8.5 out of 10!

  9. Ikea's the perfect place to go if you're looking for something cheap and reliable.  

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