
I want to learn Arabic anyone know of how i can easily?

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salaam does anyone know how i can learn arabic quickly please!!!?? thanks...




  1. Arabic is not a language to learn quickly and easily, because it hasn't gone through the same simplification processes that other human languages have gone during ages. It is not changed for about 1500 years, while other modern languages have been simplified through their histories.

    It's full of very complex grammatical, phonological, and morphological rules.

  2. salaam

    Amer is right

    but from my own experience i guess the right way to do it is to go and live in a country where Arabic is spoken!! don't forget u have different dialects so choose a country where they speak a dialect near to standard Arabic ... i would suggest Jordan.

    if u cant travel to the Middle East then u should start taking classes in arabic with some tapes and websites u can make it ... however Arabic is really a hard language but worth learning :)

  3. hello

    u can learn arabic but ite really hard and it wont be easy

    but i think u should try and decide for ur self :)

    salam ;) (bye)

  4. Pimsleur Arabic, it's amazingly good and you just do a half hour lesson a day.  There's no written practice though, which sucks

  5. I'd try the language tapes (CD's by Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur's...) for introduction, as well as free online courses so that you hear it right, later look for some native Arabic person that you share mutual interest with (such as sports or cooking or songs...)

    Once you have a base of vocabulary make call dates in Arabic at least three times a week but not longer then 10 min to discuss specific matters in Arabic.

    As the other will not be able to see you, you will not be able to rely on gestures and face expressions. Decide on the theme before each date by email and prepare a small amount of material (such as the ingredient list when it's about a recipe) or any matching vocabulary when it comes to that topic. Let's say we want to talk about oriental cooking: couscous.

    You want to tell your new friend how to prepare it. So I will need words such as harissa, all the vegetables, the dried raisins, the broth, cumin etc....and the verbs to describe what I do....It's a fun and very efficient way to get to speak a new language well.

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