
I want to learn Portugese and friend as well..?

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I want to learn the language it's kind of similar to Spanish but alittle different I live in Southern California I am a male very considerate and respectful.




  1. I'm also trying to learn Portugese too, and I can't spell any of the words, but I keep improving in speaking it.

  2. try ordering some instructional CD (pimsleur) is a easy coarse to start with, and try getting the one made by new house (i think!!)

    then take a trip to Brazil for a few weeks. that's were you'll improve very quickly. i can read it no problem, but i also have a hard time writing in Portuguese. if you want you we can practice through e-mails.


  3. get with people who speaks it

  4. Hello, I´m Brazilian and I´ll TRY to help you. My English is not perfect, OK?!

    The basic Portuguese

    Good morning = Bom dia!  

    Please = Por favor

    Good afternoon = Boa tarde!    

    Thank you = Obrigado

    Good night = Boa noite!        

    Sorry = Desculpe, Licença

    If you go at the restaurant: I´d like to dinner (or have a lunch) = Eu gostaria de jantar (ou almoçar):

    Options of Brazilian food:

    Feijoada (it´s Delicious but heavy)

    Moqueca de Peixe (If you like fish you´ll love)

    Grilled chicken = Frango Grelhado

    I hope have helped you!!  Sorry if I wrong any word in English

  5. i am in portgesse school its for all ages theresood be one reer you

  6. Well, I think I can help you! :)

  7. How do u want to learn? Ar u looking for people to practice or a course?

  8. No problem with me,How I speak english very bad, you in soon learn about portuguese.Send me e-mail to and We solve it.

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