
I want to learn guitar, what type?

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Hey I want to start learning to play the guitar because I want to be able to write music and songs etc.

I'm wondering which guitar though-

acoustic or electric?

My dad has both, he used to be in a band it's just for me to decide.

Or once you learn one can you play the other one easily too?




  1. Start with electric. Smaller neck, easier to play...but either way, make sure the guitar fits you properly before you learn to play it.

  2. I'd suggest learning on acoustic first.

    For me, the transition from one another was pretty easy.

  3. Thats kool

    I started off with an acoustic because I like the fact that you can take it anywhere without having cables or an amp to play it.

    an acoustic is simpler for a  because you don't mess w/ all the diff sound effects but the strings on an electric are a lot easier on your finger tips... but either way ur fingers well get messed up but its all part of the experience.

    It comes down to what kind of music ur interested in playing

  4. Hey, I've been playing guitar for almost eight years now. The biggest mistake was how I started out. I don't really recomend the electric guitar at first. I started out with electric, and everyone told me to use the acoustic. Thing is, at that point- I was into alot of metal so I figured, why would I want to play the acoustic? Long story short, It is VERY hard to learn acoustic when you start on electric. Electric guitar is much easier to play, because you use alot of power and bar chords. Yes, accoustic is more challenging, but in the long run... It will make all of your playing easier.

    Good luck, don't give up.

  5. It's best to learn Acoustic first cause it builds your calusis faster & the strings are thicker so u can get used to it faster.

  6. For a start, learn acoustic.

    Then a small amp and any electric guitar, plus some effects pedals, added to suit your taste at the time, and desire to be inspired by or imitate, replicate, adapt and deviate from given artists' works, allows an easy extension from the whole smorgasboard into a more limited palate of more intense possibilities.

    Personally, I like the semi-acoustic bass. But then, I used to play violin, viola and cello; let alone the recorder, a tap of piano, and I venture to say the point is to play, play, play and in a few years, hey, you too may be able to play the spoons with the London Philharmonic.

    ;-)    go 4 it.

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