
I want to learn guitar from home....How can I??

by  |  earlier

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I have a chart that helps me with notes but I dont get it. I want to be a guitar player but dont want to take lessons. I want to learn on my own. How can I do this??




  1. You'll have to take some type of lessons just to learn the basics.

  2. Anyone who learns guitar on their own, has a fool for a teacher.  If you REALLY want to learn the guitar then you need a teacher at least for a first few lessons just to get you started.

    People who try to self teach for free off the internet, eventually have to HIRE A TEACHER just to correct all the mistakes they will make trying to learn on their own... it's hire a teacher now or hire a teacher later... but you WILL eventually HIRE A TEACHER... if you ever hope to be any good at it.

  3. Ok There are two ways here

    1. Get instructional books i'm going to suggest CVLS products at there books are extremely good they come with an audio cd so you can hear if your playing right they teach the basics and never leave you in the blank not to mention there cheap 15 bucks. Starta with the Electric Guitar primer for Begineers then Either chose there rock or blues leson or both finally get there l**k book or scale book they also offer free guitar lessons at in flash and quicktime video

    2. You can use sites like to learn your chords and scales(the base of playing guitar). Once your down on your basics go to to look up the tabs to your favorite songs. But you probably won't know whats going on if you don't take some form of lessons.

    It also helps to get with other experienced musicians and play with them.

    Hope that helps feel free to email for more help

  4. go to and type in guitar ll find all kinds of free help there.

    good luck

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