
I want to learn how to give grace in Deutsch. Do you know a short prayer I can learn?

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I want to learn how to give grace in Deutsch. Do you know a short prayer I can learn?




  1. I like this one, even though it doesn't rhyme like the others:

    Herr, wir danken dir für dieses Essen.

    Aber noch mehr danken wir dir für die Menschen,

    die mit uns zusammen an diesemTisch sitzen.

    I also once heard this, but it's rather funny, it was said by some Catholic kids:

    Lieber Gott, lass Deinen Segen

    Über unsre Teller fegen.

    You may want to keep that one to yourself, much as I do with what a British friend of mine used to say when his wife cooked: Let's say grace, looks like we might need it.

  2. This one is a childrens one:

    Jedes Tierlein hat zu essen,

    jedes Bluemlein trinkt von Dir.

    Hast auch meines nicht vergessen,

    Lieber Gott wir danken Dir.

  3. Maybe you should first learn the sign of the cross (with the according hand movements):

    "Im Namen des Vaters,

    und des Sohnes,

    und des Heiligen Geistes,


    ("In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost, amen.")

    This is the most common thing used as an introduction to every longer prayer, and when you enter a catholic church, as reverence towards the altar.

    Then there is,

    "Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes,

    bitte für uns Sünder,

    jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes,


    ("Holy Mary, Mother of God, beg for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.")

    This prayer is used when praying the rosary, and is mostly used on sad occasions, or when in danger.

    This excerpt from the Lord's Prayer, combinded with a children's prayer, can easily be used before meals:

    "Komm, Herr Jesus, sei unser Gast,

    und segne was Du uns bescheret hast.

    Der Herr gebe uns unser täglich Brot,

    so dass wir niemals leiden Not.


    ("Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and bless what you have given us. The Lord may give us our daily bread, so that we will never have to suffer harm. Amen." -- In German, it rhymes.)

    [maybe that'll give me 15 down, but I don't care. I'm an atheist now, raised catholic, native German, and you can trust that the prayers and their translations are literal, as best to my konwledge. I would never be cynical about religious believes, although I may be cynical in other answers.]

  4. Before a meal you could say this:

    Komm, Herr Jesus, sei unser Gast

    und segne, was du uns bescheret hast.

    This is one of the most common prayers before you start a meal.

  5. this is another one...a little longer though....:

    Gott, vom dem wir alles haben,

    wir danken dir für diese Gaben.

    Du gibst sie uns, weil du uns liebst,

    und segne auch, was du uns gibst.


  6. Alle guten Gaben,

    alles was wir haben,

    kommt oh Gott von dir,

    wir danken dir dafür.



    All great gifts,

    everything we have,

    comes oh Lord from you,

    and we thank you for it.


    In German it rhymes:))

    The thumbs down troll needs to get a life!!!!!

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