
I want to learn how to play rugby but im concerned that the team wont accept me - help?

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I have always wanted to try for the teams at my high school - being pretty physically able and up for some outdoor exercise. But i was always put off by the kind of intimidating attitude most of the other team members had so i never bothered.

Im not a macho man lol im pretty softly spoken and reserved. I am very personable but not loud at all - will the team accept me? or am i going to have to become a "lad" to fit in?




  1. Just train with your local team..

    Get up to standards with them.. couple of years and you would have built up your skill and made good friends with the other team meaning you should be accepted by them

    Goodluck in the future

  2. Most rugby teams are always looking for more people just ask one of the people that you know that plays rugby when and where practices are and show up one day and ask the coach or somebody you know if they could use another guy to play. If you tell the coach its your first time he'll probably help you and show you what to do.

  3. mils muliana, kevin mealamu of the all blacks are very softly spoken and reserved people if you have ever heard them speak. but its on the field that matters. if u got the skills and the passion on the field then go for it buddy, not every rugby player is loud. most like to go about their work on the field quietly

  4. If you've got skills and play the game,it doesn't matter if you're not a macho man.....or a 'lad'.

  5. this game is about character building an obviously from your comments its just what you need, this is a team game and each of the 15 players cannot win the game without a team effort, one of the greatest all  black captains was a softly spoken man, 2 spring to mind Wilson whineray & colin pinetree meads both men lead by example, don"t worry what others think and say, prove them wrong and put your hand up to play, allways be prepared to take on advice ,don"t be afraid to ask questions , because life is all about knowledge and its what we do with it that counts , this intern turns boys into men

  6. A rugby team is different from any other kind of team u will play with, there is a kind of brother hood you all have to work together the guys i play for are great as long as you don't act like a macho man and play to the best of you ability then you should fit right in.

  7. Look up players like Va'inga Tuigamala (Inga the Winger)  Michael Jones, Joe Rokocoko, Keven Mealamu, Chris Jack etc.  All very quiet guys, incredible rugby players and very very well respected.

    Michael Jones even got the all blacks to change their schedule because he had church on sundays and refused to play!

    You'll be respected if you're open about your stance from the get go and you stick to your principles.  Just play your heart out and let your play do your talking for you.

  8. do it I dare ya!  you may not be vocal or show your personality that way but  yo can always show what you are mad of on the field. one of my favorite sayings around is "a rugby club is the family you choose" because not only do they tend to look out for their own but also accept their differences in each other! good luck

  9. you dont have to be a lad. i will agree that many rugby teams do appear macho and 'laddish' but its all a part of the sport. the banter, although annoying at times, is part of team building and encourages you to get involved. i will say its not allways banter!! when you are on a rugby pitch you look after eachother, everyone is always out for eachother, no matter what. you will always be accepted on a rugby field. rugby is one of the most social sports i believe, and although on the outside may appear mach, once you get involved it is somthing you relish and you'll never look back

  10. Mate, I don't think they are going to care if your not a "lad". If you have got the skills and you show it on the field, they you will be accepted in your own rights. I think you've got nothing to worry about; you should just get in the and have a go, Rugby is an excellent sport, you have no idea what your missing out on.

  11. it doesnt matter what your personality is, as long as you can bring it when youre on the field.

    most rugby players will respect your game. they might joke around with you and kid about you and so on, but respect from your antics on the field will be given. if youre a joke on the field then, well, you better be more assertive off it.

    rugby is about heart. and ball sense. if you know what to do when you are on and off the ball, you are 3/4 of the way there. speed, strength, fitness, ball skills, those are important, but you can get away with just having ball sense. making yourself available to make a big run, or positioning yourself so you can make a big hit that destabilises thier offense.

    go try out. theres no harm in that.

  12. well to be blunt a good rugby player is typically a very confident individual who is not easily intimidated.  I myself am a soft spoken type, but confident.

    you also seem to care about what people think too much.  If they sense that then you may come across as soft and they might test you more to see what you are made of.  Id drop that attitude completely and get out there and bust my *** and play some good hard rugby.  If they know that's what you are there for then they won't care if your reserved.

  13. I'm guessing you must be in your teens like me since you're talking about school rugby...... I started playing this year, when i was 16, and the only rugby experience I had was watching Ireland in the 6 Nations! I decided to start playing for the same reason as yourself, and to improve my fitness and strength for gaelic football. I put a big effort into it and I ended playing on the wing for a really good team, we reached the Leinster Final and I got player of the season. I made a load of new friends there as well.... You should definitely have a go because rugby is a great sport

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