
I want to learn how to speak Italian fast, going to Italy in 9 days anyone have suggestions?

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I want to learn how to speak Italian fast, going to Italy in 9 days anyone have suggestions?




  1. The Rosetta Stone method is supposed to be be the best.  I don't know if it is or not, I just saw a commercial last week.  It looks pretty good.

  2. All of the above, and start eating lots of lasagna....hey, it couldn't hurt!

    Enjoy your trip!

  3. take an ENGLISH to ITALIAN dictionary with you

  4. Buy an italian/english dictionary and pray

  5. Yeah, good luck with that.

  6. if you know the basics, i think you'd be ok with just that...

    these are informal phrases...

    ciao!- hello/goodbye

    buon giorno- good morning(actually translated to "good day")

    buona sera- good evening(but they usually start saying this after about 2 PM)

    buona notte- good night

    arrivederci- goodbye

    per favore- please

    grazie- thank you

    prego- you're welcome

    come stai?- how are you?

    scusa- excuse me

    Non c'è male.- not bad

    sto bene- i am fine

    che cosa ha detto?- what did you say?

    ho capisco- i understand(depending where you go in italy, though...some say ho capito instead)

    mi chiamo...- my name is...

    sono di...- i am from

    Parli inglese?- do you speak english?

    non parlo italiano- i dont speak italian

    non so- i dont know

    lo so- i know

    come?- what?

    Va bene- ok

    ho fame- im hungry

    ho sete- im thirsty

    ho freddo- im cold

    ho caldo- im hot

    Può aiutarmi?- Can you help me?

    Come si dice ____ in italiano?- How do you say_____ in italian?

  7. Buy a copy of the Daily Mail you will get a free language CD every day for the next nine days.

  8. There's no way of learning Italian that quickly, but you will learn some words.

  9. Click this link:

    it offers simple lessons and teaches you the main phrases a tourist should know when going to italy like the basics..greetings, shopping, eating, and traveling.

    hope it helps :)

  10. it only takes time as for any other language, so don't rush with it and good luck!

  11. find your self a teacher , buy the cd's, read about the history, do you know french? shouldnt be too too difficult,  mio amore ....... moda is fashion in italian.. lol incase you were wondering and ciao well.. you know good luck!

  12. get those cds out the daily mail.

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