
I want to learn italian, but how?

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Where do i start?

What is the quickest way?

How long will it take? roughly

I want to be fluent and literate

I invite your answers




  1. I'm italian!!! wuold you like to learn italian?? if you want I can help you...

    my name is Giulia, I come from Florence, you know?? <--this is my msn contact....

    bye bye

  2. find an italian and have them teach u

  3. be fluent and literate in italian could be the work of an entire life...

    In my opinion it is a very difficult language, there are too many grammatical rules and verbal coniugation....

  4. I'm italian, too! if you wants i can help you and you can help me!  (I look for someone to practise my school english)

    my name is antonella, a 13-year-old-girl, and this is my msn address:


  5. I'm Italian and i have 15 years old. If you want speak with me on msn... ('s a good idea because while I improve my English you can learn

  6. Ciao. The best way ofcourse is to come to Italy but you can even try italian's chat and listen to italian songs and, why not, start to read italian (but I think you cannot answer to question in a different language)  Yahoo Answers ?? ; )

  7. The best way to learn it is to practice it every day. Period. If you don't even have the basics, you might want to find a pen pal. I would have never mastered English the way I did, and as fast as I did, if I didn't have friends I wrote to everyday.

    Once you are confident in the basics, take a trip. Go see the country, it's beautiful and the people are really warm. If you immerse yourself in it you'll slowly find that you understand a lot more than you thought you did, even if you are not confident enough to speak it fluently.

    If you'd like help feel free to email me. You can do that from my profile page.

    Good luck, or should I say Buona Fortuna!

  8. You should come to Italy, that's the best and only way to learn fluent italian.

  9. i am an italian(13 years old) boy if you want i can help you with basic italian words and grammar.


    p.s. if you want with msn i can send to you some italian song...and i can help you with italian culture....

  10. Italian isn's a very easy language, and italians speak it in very different ways, i'm italian from veneto and i went in campania, i can't understand very well what they say.

    anyway, you have to start a serious italian course, and after you can start watching some italian movies, listening to some italian songs, reading books,and then come to italy, visit it and meet somebody, etc.

    it will be long, but if you'll undertaking in it, you can start speakin italian in... 3 years?

    good luck, you won't be blasted

  11. Hey, I'm Italian so it was easy for me to learn the language. But if you have no clue how to speak it, maybe you can go to italy for the summer and learn it there, or you can apply to those free programs online, u could always look programs on Google.

  12. Italian is a VERY difficult language...

    It has a very different sound from english...

    It has a complete different language structure...

    It has a very difficult verbal system...

    It has lots of irregularities...

    ...Are you sure you want??

    If you really want to, you may add me to your MSN contacts...


  13. Take a class with an italian teacher or live in Italy taking a class, or working there.

  14. hi how are u? you may find a penfriend. so u learn to write correctly italian words, and on summer u may came in italy to study and to have a great time. also u spend that time in an italian family. i suggest u cities as Rome, Florence and Bologna.

  15. I want to learn English, I am studing it since april 2006 but it's very difficult to improve it because I am in Italy. It will be very important to go to England or America.

    I think your problem is the same!!

    I am sorry for my bad English!

  16. type mango languages  into your search engine, most are free

  17. vieni un pò qui k te l'insegno

  18. Here are some words: ciao---international greetings. Salve---hello. Mi chiamo---my name is.

    Bcc languages is an excellent website.

  19. you can take a class, or you can get cds that help you learn a language.  i'd buy a cd course - this way you can learn at your leisure.  when you have the basics, go to italy for a holiday to practice.

  20. How much will it take depends from what are you able to do right now. for ex: if you can speak or manage yourself with another latin language such as french or spanish (or latin, by chance), it will be easier and faster for you

    if you have to start from the beginning, it will take you some years of practice. I have two american aunts who learned a very good italian in less than a decade because they married italian men, but now their pronunciation is absolutely perfect.

    It is not simple, but still it is possible if you practice a lot.

    grammar is very complicated and pronunciation is too a source of trouble for english-speaking people,

    but nevertheless it is worth the price.

    try starting attending some lessons and find a pen friend.

    if you want you can e-mail me (I'm italian of course, 18years)

    but I understand english quite well and I am quite literate.

    do as you believe. good luck!

  21. live there...

  22. Living there is the best way to learn it but that can be hard since they speak different versions depending on where you live. If you get hte Rosetta Stone software that is easy and fast and you will know at least the basics if not more.

    If you know spanish you can pick it up easily because its really close to spanish.

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