
I want to learn martial arts, im 14 and cant even do a it possible? wuts the usual cost??

by  |  earlier

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14, Girl....

I can do a handstand against the wall....(pathetic, i know) well, can i take it privately it in classes...wuts the usual cost??




  1. i think your confusing gymnastics with martial arts.

  2. When you said "I want to learn Martial Arts", you answered the question "is it possible?" Wanting to do it is the most valuable thing that you can bring to any Dojo.

    Most places cost somewhere around 100.00 a month, but than can vary greatly.

    Since you are only 14, you will need to get your parents to sign you up.

    Good luck and go for it, you'll be glad you did!!!!

  3. Martial arts DOES NOT teach flips, aerials, etc. Thats gymnastics.

  4. well if you want to learn to do a cart wheel martial arts is not the way to go but I'm 13 and could barely touch my toes when i started tae kwon do so you'll be fine, try going through your area parks department and alot of times they'll have a program for an affordable price, I recommend tae kwon do, i paylike 40 buck a month for two classes a week

  5. What do you want to learn for? There are many types of "martial arts" out there, and many have different purposes and have advantages over one another.

    If you are interested in something that looks fancy, with spins, flips, etc. then you might want to look in to Xtreme Martial Arts (XMA), Capoeria (which is like martial dancing),or some kind of Karate with elaborate Kata's with flips and weapons. But neither of these will teach you much in the way of actual fighting. Doesn't mean it isn't fun, it probably is. You get to win big trophies for your performance, get a great work out, agility, etc. It might look kewl and be the type of stuff you would learn if you wanted to get in to an acting career.

    Other martial arts like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Sambo, Tae Kwon Do (TKD), Kyukoshin Karate, Judo, Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sanda, Savate, etc. are more "martial sport". You will get in great shape, and there is usually competition involved, which some people really like. And since you are pretty much simulating real fighting all the time, most of these sporty arts will teach you how to fight really well to. You will already be kewl under pressure and have practised with real aliveness.    

    If you are just looking for self-defense, there are too many choices to name. But a few that come to mind are Systema, Krav Maga and Jeet Kune Do (JKD). Doesn't mean they don't spar, it just means they are not focused on competitions. Great if you just want to learn to fight for self-defense.

    Whatever you choose, pick something that is close to you, preferably within walking distance. Make sure it's not a place that just wants your money. There is a lot of scammers out there. Don't sign any contracts until you have tried at least one class first. I personally would never sign a contract for more than 3-6 months for a kid or teenager, as at your age you change your mind about things all the time.

    Also watch out for instructors that claim to be sup3r d34dly but have never fought in any real competitions.

    Last, check out forums to find out if the school you picked is any good.

  6. if you want to learn handstands and cartwheels check out capoeira.

    unless you want to do capoeira you wont need to do cart wheels or handstands. and if you want to do capoeira they will help you with it.

    just check the phone book for what martial arts are close to you and find out how much they cost. some martial arts you can take private lesson but they cost a lot more.

    prices for martial arts vary alot atm im going 3 differnt martial arts 2 of them cost $10 a lesson and the other one is like $50 for a month(these are all classes no private lessons).  but i know other clubs which cost like $100 + a month

  7. Hi.

    Yes, it is very possible for you to learn martial arts.  


    Cost and Lesson Types:

    Most schools teach in a group setting, prices for these classes vary from around $50 (and sometimes even less) to several hundred dollars a month.  It will depend on the school.  Also, a school being less expensive doesn't mean it is inferior in any way; in fact it's sometimes the other way around.

    Some schools will offer private lessons and they will tend to be a little more expensive, but not always.  Tracy's Karate Studio's, for example, almost exclusively teach private lessons for $20 (some charge a little more).  Most people take one a week costing them a total of $80 a month which is cheaper than most schools that teach group lessons.

    However private lessons on average will probably cost you $25 to $35 (with a large margin for error).


    Skill Requirements:

    Martial arts in and of itself requires very little to no acrobatic ability.  Even if you do find a school / style (like Tae Kwon Do) that does require some acrobatic skills they will help you along and don't expect you to be able to do everything the first day.

    If you're concerned about looking bad all I have to say is don't worry about it, no one can do everything perfect on the first day and cartwheels are almost never required at any point throughout your training.  No one will laugh at you for not knowing something or not being able to do anything, if they do then it's probably not a very good school to begin with and you should find another.


    Finding a School:

    You didn't say anything about picking a style but I'll go through it anyway.  Instead of choosing a style and getting excited about taking it only to find out it's not available in your area, you should look first for a school.

    If you don't already know of all the schools available in your area type into Google your city name (and/or area code) and one of the following; martial arts, Karate, Kung Fu, self defense. Not all martial arts studios may be listed on line so also check the yellow pages.

    You also need to decide why you want to take martial arts. For sport, self defense, fitness, etc...?  

    (If you are into acrobatics in combination with martial arts then you'd probably be interested in the sport aspect.)

    Now call up or visit the schools that interest you the most. Ask questions about what they do there to see if it interests you. Ask about the emphasis they place on everything you are interested in. If you're into the sport aspect then ask about it and even what competitions they go to. If you want some self defense training then ask about it.

    If it seems like it would be a good school from talking to the instructor(s) then this warrants further investigation. Ask to sit in on a class to watch and see if it's something you'd like to do.  Observing a class is one of the most important things you can do, it can tell you a lot about a school.  Everything from how a class works to how well the instructors and students interact to what emphasis they place on whatever you are looking for.

    Most schools will offer an introductory course or a trial period which is usually free if not very cheap. I suggest you take full advantage of this.  Kind of like test driving a car before you buy it, always a good idea.

    Just make sure that you like whatever style and school you choose. It's also important that you work well with the instructors and your fellow students. If you don't work well with the instructors then they won't be able to teach you effectively and you will get little benefit out of your training. Similarly, if the overall atmosphere of the school isn't conducive to learning what you are there to learn then you will also not get much benefit out of you're training.

    I know this all may seem to be a lot of work and a lot to think about but if you are able to find the right school it will all be worth it.

    I hope this helps and good luck finding a school :)

  8. private lessons are gonna be expensive. cartwheels are for cheerleaders and gymnasts for the most part lol. check out local martial art schools and see what you are most interested in then see if there is an introductory class( most schools have them).

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