
I want to learn martial arts but there is no school within one hundred miles of me. wut do i do????!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i live in chamberlain sd




  1. tough situation

    first I would suggest making sure there aren't any schools at all (universities? gyms with special classes?)

    Do you know anyone (that you trust) who has studied martial arts for a few years and can get you started?

    if the answer's still no, it looks like your stuck with a self direccted training program, but it's still very important you get some  live practice and feedback

    you may want to find the absolute best school/teacher who's 100 miles away, and try to set up a program where you train on your own every day, and drive out to see the teacher say a couple times a month, or whatever you can, so the teacher can check your progress and you can work with other bodies

    otherwise you're trying to learn to swim without a pool

  2. try this.. - I did Base Jumping in Townsville, Australia but then I started to train back into karate and it really improved by using this invention! Regarrds

  3. Check with your local government to see if they have a recreation program, local YMCA/YWCA, Boys and Girls Club, Police Athletic Leagues, etc.  Many of those have some form of martial arts program.  If there is a college near you, they may have a club you could join.

    If that doesn't help, call the nearest martial arts school near you and ask their instructor if they know anyone out your way.  Who knows, they may have a student out there who would be willing to give you lessons.  That's how my Sensei got started and he's a 9th dan now.

  4. this site is really good.

    its free lessons

  5. are you really sure about that?

    i seem to find schools close ot my house all the time which arnt in the phone book or on the internet. they always seem to be in churches, comunity halls, schools and gyms

    well if you want to badly enough you will make the effort to go even that far. there is a guy who comes and trains at the dojo i train at he drives about that far but he doesnt come every week he tries to come every fortnight or at least once a month and then the other weeks he trains by himself or with a friend.(he trains really hard by himself just doing pretty much whatever he learnt in the last class he came to.)

  6. Ok I have a suggestion. Their are some Training Video's That are put out by a major orginization and they send you videos and books to train wiht from home.. When you feel you are ready to test you video tape yourself doing the test and send them in to be graded by a panel of Black Belts. Mind you just becasue you pay the money does not mean your going to pass it is still difficult and even more difficult learning the art away from a home Dojo or Do jang. I have gave you the link below I hope it helps and answers all your questions....

  7. try searching for the largest city near you.

    there are also a number of good home study courses available. i can give you more info on them if you like, just email me.

    you really live out in the middle of nowhere dont you lol

    you may have to go to rapid city or something for real training, but it would only be a couple of times a week probably

  8. Become a very fast runner.

  9. Turn on youtube on search for Bas Rutten,

    Go to the library and pick up a book on either boxing, or Karate

    (those two you can do on your own fairly easy)

    Or check out Tai Chi  The fundamentals are the same

    Bruce Lee has some good books with good picture explanations.

    But while you are deciding... Start doing push ups, and sit ups, and leg lifts for the health and self disclpine to see if you really have the heart to study

  10. Please obtain a book and video on Yong Chun also called Wing Chun. Look on the internet under Eddie Chong. This is a style of Kung Fu without the fancy kicks but having an open mind, your commitment and patience you will be very effective in learning. Look under Youtube and watch Wing Chun versus kickboxing.

    Good luck on your search.


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