
I want to learn martial arts for self defense ..Which one do u suggest -T'aichi or Karate?

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I can do only weekend classes , also may be for 2 yrs max...

after that, i may relocate...




  1. Neither, they are both jokes. You can do those to stay in good shape, but if you want to use them for self defense.... it just won't work.

  2. Tai chi also helps with your general health and flexibility , but for self-defence  on weekend classes with the possibility of relocation in the future ,I have to say Karate , mainly because clubs are easier to find, and people ,in general, will be more aware of your ability if they know you do a martial art.

  3. What is your nature?  What is your personality?  Be HONEST with yourself.

    If you are a hot-head and tend to lose control when angry, study Tai Chi.

    If you are a "nice guy" or even a wimp and need to come out of your shell more, study Karate.  

    The hothead can lose a fight because he's too blind by rage to think.  He needs to be softer.

    The soft guy can lose by not being agressive enough and by not believing in himself.  He needs to be harder.

    Same thing applies if you are a woman.  While I am inclined to believe that a woman can benefit more from Tai Chi due to its circular movements and softer techniques, which complement her natural softness, I also think the best thing a woman can do who wants to learn how to fight is to go among the men who are fighters.  They won't take advantage of you, but they will give you realistic feedback.

    So think about your nature and make your decision based on that.

  4. Karate and then get more in depth to tae kwon do. I love it. And maybe if there is a school go to

    But if there isnt a school near you go to any tae kwon do school, it is hard work but it pays off in the end. I am a blackbelt already. I love the family at Rods Shim Myung Do. We are all a big family. Read about us. The link is there

  5. IMHO go for karate.

    But make sure you really check out whatever art you do.

    Good luck!

  6. Go with the best school.

    Both of these martial arts can be very efficient if taught well. You'll hear a lot about style on the Internet, but that's a lot of ignorance. It's not so much the style as the quality of the instruction and the dedication of the student.

    So what I would do if I were you is check out the local school.

    I trust smaller operations more than big name schools, because big name schools tend to become commercial. Don't be dazzled by a lot of black belts. That doesn't mean anything. A bottle of dye can make anyone a black belt.

    It's hard for a beginner to tell which is a good school, but I would talk to the instructor first. Your first red light is somebody that tries to tap into your fears. If somebody promises he can make you into an invincible superman in three months, or if he says he knows secret deadly techniques, he's peddling B.S. - Walk away.

    Qualified instructors don't try to sell their arts like it's a used car. Often, what they will show you looks ordinary and dull when you first look at it. That's because the best ones don't care whether they dazzle you or not. The stuff they teach doesn't look like the stuff of movies. So if the guy looks competent, isn't handing out black belts like candy and is not trying to sell you some super-deadly macho b.s. speech, he's probably legit.

  7. Karate!

  8. Karate would be best.

  9. karate would be best of the 2, but i would see if there are any thai boxing classes about, cos its a lot more to the point. ie you learn how to beat the h**l out of some1 and you also learn how to take a punch whilst sparring, tho im sure you would only use this skill whilst under attack!!!!

  10. karate, tai chi is more of a relaxation martial art then a fighting one. allthough it can be lethal after years of training. it takes hard work. karate can have pretty quick results and its a good deal more fun starting off

  11. To develop into a good Taiji fighter it takes about 5 years, so if you're looking for a form that takes a couple of months to learn and a lifetime to understand taijiquan is for you.

    If you have limited time and resources, maybe a Karate or a combat art is right for you.  There is a lot of TKD and Shaolin Kempo around, so when you move you will be able to pick up your studies.

    Try out a couple of schools, see what they offer in terms of classes and schedules then make your decision.  Self defense depends on reflex and fighting spirit, the ability to react to an adverse situation without thinking, this will not be easy to train one day a week.

    I know of two places in my area that have Sunday classes and they are very different.  One is an MMA school, where you will learn how to hit, kick and knee.  The MMA school will have you in the octagon, interacting with others from day 1.

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