
I want to learn mind control?

by Guest66503  |  earlier

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coontrolling other people thought and action from my brain

can anyone tell me how do we do it?




  1. Start with a high self-esteem and self-control.  If you have Low willpower or not very confident in yourself you will not be able to achieve any mind control.  Mind control is nothing to play around with!!!

  2. the only mind you can control is you own, are you own drugs?

  3. Its called stupidity, and if you go on thinking like this you will surely achieve it.

  4. Work for the government. They're trying to figure that one out, too.

  5. everybody knows the trouble u will cause ...... and talk about neg karma ......... u will be so controlled next life.

  6. yes yes. actually i got the way you thinks.   lols you are always thinking about what others are thinking about you. and so falling in troubles.

  7. Oh My Lord. I'm 16, and I'm smarter than you. But anyway, there is no such thing! People on Yahoo Answers are stupid. Please, go back to school.

  8. the Manchurian Candidate. a chip was placed into someones brain & they didnt know they were being controlled. watch the movie 'the Manchurian Candidate' w/ Denzel Washington.

  9. Yes, its really there and even I see it working over you...Take care buddy...

  10. I wish i could do that.

    Its impossible to do it on that scale.

    But you can make people do what you want with practice.

  11. Do meditation.

  12. you can't control someone to do something, especially if that person doesn't want to do it.  

  13. me2 i think the cia  kgb ( now fsb ) Mi5, the mossad and many other are also pursuin it spec advertising agencies and i think its more possible they we realize

    A good book ( "fiction ") is the dark wheel by Lincoln somebody a new release in paperback i got from the drug store

  14. it's called hypnosis. and you can't control them from the brain you just tell them what to do and they do so because of their unconcious mind. considering anything is possible you may be able to find a way to control someone by putting an action in their mind. but it's very unlikely.

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