
I want to learn more about becomeing a vegitarian...

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Is there an easy way to make the switch? Besides cutting out meat, what other major changes need to made?




  1. Most of the Indians are vegetarian by birth. They even can't think animal is a stuff of eating. So if you want to know more about indian veg dishes visit here

  2. I just recently became a vegetarian, too, so good for you!

    Well, the changes you have to make aren't really hard in my opinion, unless of course you really, really like meat. I never was too crazy about it, but you will need to eat some things that meat-eaters don't eat.

    Beans, beans, beans! That's what you will need to eat for protein. Other good sources of protein include: tofu, soy, beans, and eggs. Of course, if you want, you don't have to eat eggs. It is a baby chick that hasn't hatched yet, so I wouldn't eat it.

    The best way to stay healthy is to eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Don't just stick to eating some kinds of vegetables. Be open minded and ready to try new things!

    Here are some really good recipes, ideas, and tips on how to stay vegetarian:

    You can get a vegetarian starter kit here:

    And, really, it's not as hard as you may think it is! I thought, at first, it was going to be hard to not eat meat when I went out to eat, but most restraunts and eateries have vegetarian selectians availble, so don't worry! =)

  3. Here's a few resolved questions just like yours with excellent answers!;...;...

  4. You have to replace the meat your not eating any more with veggie protein: beans, peas, nuts seeds, and whole grains.

    Many vegetarians also eat eggs and dairy. Most grocery stores sell a line of fake meats now: burgers, hotdogs, etc.

    Go to your local book store and find a couple interesting vegetarian cookbooks. It's really not all that hard.

  5. vegEtarian*

    Just stop eating meat.  There are no other major changes, you just stop eating animals and any products that are made that required the killing of an animal, like most cheeses which contain an enzyme called rennet that comes from the stomachs of cows.

    Most products are labeled vegetarian, like chili, and refried beans and baked beans for example.  Any unprocessed foods that come from the ground are obviously vegetarian: fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

    Just check the ingredients and you'll be fine

  6. I used to eat only meat and some potatoes, but found all the good reasons to become vegetarian and have been one for 2 years.

    Only thing I regret is that it was an abrupt, fast change that I made, I picked a date and completely wiped meat from my diet.  So occassionally I had to try really hard not to eat it, when that could have been made easier by eliminating the meat slowly, a little each day until I'd fully become vegetarian.  

    So I'd say start slow, unless you're already used to eating veggies.  I hated the taste of veggies but now I love most of them.  

    Any grocery store should have a good selection of faux meats with brand names like Morning Star, Gardenburger, Amy's Kitchen, etc.  I would say the asian markets with veggie products imported from Japan taste the best though.  

    You're right, the eggs are not fertilized (unless stated like some at Safeway are), but vegans claim that they're the cruelest part of animal agriculture regarding hens, so I try not to eat too many eggs.  When I do, I buy the organic ones from cage free hens that some stores carry.  More than 4 eggs a week is too much cholesterol anyway.

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