
I want to learn "TABLE" manners.........I'm quite bad at!?

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I want to learn "TABLE" manners.........I'm quite bad at!?




  1. guys me too.....

    plz let me know as soon as u get sum asnwers

  2. (m)

    In Indian homes, always take off your shoes/sandals before entering a room, or in one corner near the door. At least, wait for your host to tell you that you need not bother.

    Table manners

    There are some basic rules like –

    Wash your hands before and after a meal;

    Ask for whatever you want instead of reaching out directly or pointing at dishes;

    Don’t make too much noise; don’t talk with food in your mouth;

    Preferably eat with your right hand (unless you are a leftie and cannot);

    Wait until everyone else is sitting down before starting to eat;

    Help clear the dishes;

    Don’t read while eating;

    Don’t talk on your cell phone during the meal and if you must get up in-between, ask to be excused.

  3.'ll be helpfull if you let us know what particular things you want to learn...coz table manners are not a simple things to explain...which one you want to know? just drop me a msg and i will be happy to answer you...

  4. Can't add to what dragonrider said except don't eat with your mouth open and keep wiping your mouth to make sure you haven't got bits of food all round your mouth. Another is don't get too tiddlly....

  5. What exactly do you need to know?

    sit up straight, don't slouch

    keep elbows off the table

    put your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down

    hold the fork in one hand and if using the knife only cut off one bite, put the knife down, take the bite when it's gone pick up the knife and cut another peice, unless you are using the knife and fork method of eating, which is common outside of the US, then you keep both in your hands at all times.

    eat with your mouth closed

    if something yucky, like a bone, gets in your mouth you should remove it the same way it went if you put a piece of fish in your mouth and it had a bone in it you put the bone back on the fork and then put it on the side of your plate...never put it in your napkin

    never blow your nose on he napkin

    spoon soup away from you not towards you

    when passing salt or pepper always pass both together

    never brush your hair at the table

    if you have rolls, break the  roll with your hands then only butter one side...always use a bread plate

    never gulp your drink

    don't use a straw

    if you sneeze or cough turn away from the table and , hopefully cover your nose with a tissue and then say excuse me

    say excuse me when getting up during a meal to use the restroom

    when finished with your salad or dessert put the fork upside down to show you are finished

    when finishing the entree put both the fork and the knife on the plate with the fork upside down in a small x with the fork

    I'm trying to think of anything more...if you have specific questions leave them as additional comments or email me.

  6. Basic table manners. Put your napkin on your lap not in your collar. Use cutlery from the outside inwards for each what others are doing and use common sense. Dont reach across people to get things..ask someone to pass it. If you dont like something dont comment on it just leave it on the side of your plate. Keep your elbows off the table and dont be loud. Always thank your host/hostess at the end of dinner and write a thank you note afterward.

  7. The way you carry yourself while eating with others plays an important role.

    Learn how to use knife, spoon and fork from your friends or relativesor refer some movies. If you eat without all these ensure that only the tip of your fingers are touching food. You can lay the napkin provided on the table on your lap to avoid stains due to spillages.  

    Donot make sound while drinking. While eating close your mouth and chew.If you would like to leave in the middle of lunch/dinner say excuse and leave

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