
I want to learn some type of martial arts?

by Guest55971  |  earlier

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i DO NOT want to learn karate, the s**t is g*y and i dont like it and beside its not as effective as most of the other martial arts

i want to be the next jet Li seriously..i know im probably never gonna be as good as he is today but im 16 and in about 5 years i want to be some what near his skill

im 6'2 in height and weigh 245..i know, im big as h**l but really im not even fat im very athletic and dont look my point is what kind of martial art do u think would best suit me (a big guy)

(please dont comment if u dont know what your talking about)




  1. any one you want to learn. it's really up to you how good you want to be, and at what art.

    i am 6'4 260 lbs.  i have had good luck with kempo, and jujutsu. (not brazilian jujutsu)

    karate is not g*y, and can be just as effective as any other art if trained properly. it just sounds to me that you don't have the patience for a traditional art. which is ok.

    i think you'd like more hands on...i'd recommend muay thai, arts.

    they dont have forms/kata/hyung/poomse (whatever you want to call them)

    but there are alot of questions unanswered. what is your goal? do you want to be a good performer? or a good fighter? ring fighter or street fighter?

    and jet li is so outstanding BECAUSE he has been studying for a long long time. there are very few shortcuts. and how good you become is completely up to you.

    however given your time restriction, i would go with some of the arts i listed above as they sort of get down to the nitty gritty. whereas most karate, tkd, or kung fu schools take much more time to learn. but they are more wholistic in their approach to life and martial arts. you will learn history, philosophy and many other things, with the goal being to integrate your mind, body, and spirit as one as well as cultivating fighting ability.

    first things first...what arts are available to you in your area?

    and what is your main goal for studying?

    but given your height, judo and wrestling are probably not best suited for your height (or mine) because it is hard to get your hips under someone who is shorter than you. so most tall guys tend to lean toward a striking art.

    also very low stances is a no-no, you want more upright mobile stances. and also because your legs are so long, kicking tends to be slower (it's just physics) so i would pick an art that concentrates more on upper body, like a southern style of kung fu, like wing chun. or kempo. or an art that allows you to customize what you do to fit your body type. or maybe even boxing.

    and its always good to suppliment your training with some form of groundfighting, be it, judo ne waza, brazilian jujutsu, or sambo

  2. depends. If you are looking to seriously damage someone. DON'T TAKE MARTIAL ARTS. If you are a very bad target in your school or just a target at all, take Tae kwon do, Jiu Jutsu, or Karate. Karate is a very balanced martial art. So pick what you think is best.

  3. 5 years of training ans you still wont be close to as good as jet li...

    people train for decades to get that good. jet li has been training for over 30 years.

    Im slightly taller than you and about the same weight.

    If you only have karate near by thats probably the best thing to start with. sure you might think its really g*y(an i partially agree) but at the moment im doing 2 slightly different styles of karate and im doing another martial art called chu zhen dao which is kinda like MMA. but i do the karate to practice technique and build up more strength. so at the moment im doing 3 classes of karate a week and 1-2 classes of chu zhen dao a week and even in 30 of training this much there will still be a lot of poeple better than me and a lot for me to learn.

    My instructor for chu zhen dao has ben doing matrtial arts for almost 25 years and i have trained wiht people who have trained for over 40 years and there is a masive difference in their skill and knowledge. sure the one who ahs been training for 45 years is a lot older but he is the one i fear because he actually is a lot better.

  4. I agree with kempo_jujitsu.

    It depends on what you want, all arts CAN work on the street, but you cant really judge an art by the art, every art is going to have good quality teachers, and bad quality teaches, what you want is a good quality teacher.

    For your size perhaps boxing? (my friend is big, and he does it, he LOVES it, and he punches really hard... as you'd expect)

    I know you say, dont say mma, however, mma is good. Its well balanced. Karate is not necessarily g*y, some teachers are, dont get me wrong, and a lot of people object to the katas.

    I do karate, and it is ok, the lack of kicking and punching say, a bag, or pads and stuff is disappointing though, but some karate instructors would do a lot of it, you just have to find a decent karate instructor. But dont get me wrong, some of the seniors know their stuff and as i said, karate is ok.

    I would probably say, if you want reality based, Krav Maga i hear is good, its all about just surviving, there are no katas, or choreographed movements, its just all survival skills. Muay Thai, boxing, or kickboxing would also be good. Also, as kemp_jujitsu said, groundfighting is effective, brazillian jujitsu is all about ground work, so if you can, mix in a bit of bjj into your training.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Mr. Miyagi say "Activate your suicide bomb and bear-hug your opponent, that more effective"

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