
I want to learn to conduct electricty thru my body?

by  |  earlier

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is thear an book on how to control electricty to a single pont in you body

let say i have electricty flowing thr my body a n i want to control lit so a single pont i bouot a conducter dats atached to me witch send it thru me an i wana control it but it just comes out when it wans an i cn bearly con tro it so i some time shock other people an my selth i need like a book or some thing real not some fake mobo jombo




  1. You cannot control your body's electrical conductivity.

  2. I cant answer you, because I cant understand you. I suggest you go to school, learn to write proper english, and then repost you question. I will then gladly try to answer it for you.

  3. I don't know what you're reading, but either it's not really

    about electricity, or it's B*llsh*t.

    Electricity is not a good thing to play with.


  4. If you're not smart enough to spell, then you shouldn't be s******g around with any form of electricity.

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