
I want to learn to smoke, but i am scared. Plz help.?

by  |  earlier

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You see all the pretty girls and the cool guys smoke in my college. The girl told me that I am jerk and a dork if i don't smoke. I know smoking is bad for health but somehow i need to learn to smoke in order for to enter their cool group. In addition i will have a chance to talk to a hot girl and party during saturday night.

I don't want to stay at home and play computer games during saturday night. I need to smoke so i can meet cool new people.





  1. Why would you want to smoke? Its pathetic!

  2. It is not cool to get emphysema and cancer. Don't be a fool and ruin your health for some crackpot idea that it will make you popular. It won't. You will just be a dork who smokes.

    Work on your personality instead.


    Smoking by Denise

    "...This site is a summation of what I have learned as a smoker for the past 16 years and I offer it to you as a resource on smoking...."

    From the website hmepage

  4. Do not start to smoke, it killed my relatives and before it did, they had nasty diseases and spent many years in hospital taking drugs.  They all died younger than their non smoking friends and regretted ever starting everyday of their lives.  

    You need to find yourself some new friends who won't put conditions on you joining their group.  The 'pretty girls' who you refer to in the group may be pretty now but they won't be in 20 years time.  The only 'cool' new people you will meet if you start to smoke are dead ones.  Get yourself some new friends who don't smoke and wise up.

  5. If you are in college and kids are smoking that can't be much of a college.  Only high schoolers around here smoke.  

  6. don't, if that girl says you need to smoke to be cool than she is a jerk.

    Social smoking is a stupid waste of life and time.

    If the groups like that, do you really want to join them?

    Trust me there are plenty of fish in the sea, don't waste your time on these people.  

  7. Yeah, it is way cool the way my mum (who is a very mentally strong person) has been struggling to get off cigarettes for a few years now. It is way cool the way she has to sneak outside 10 times a day because she needs to sub-due her addiction. It is way cool that about half of all smokers die from smoking-related diseases. It is way cool that about 106,000 people in the UK die each year due to smoking.

    Here are some more facts:

    These people sound like they would make REALLY good friends, they don't judge you on you personality, but on whether you smoke or not!

    If you start smoking you can expect to live 8-12 years less than a non-smoker, think about that.

    If you want to sign your own death wish then that's fine by me though!

    Smoking is the most idiotic and sad thing on Earth that you could do, how is slowly killing yourself cool?

    Sorry if I seem annoyed (I am), but my mum is having the struggle of her life right NOW to get off cigarettes (and even when she does stop smoking the addiction will never truely even die) and you come along and start asking HOW to get on cigarettes!

    Please.. don't be stupid.

  8. are you kiddin me? is this question even real? why would you want to prove yourself to some overgrown brat who called you a dork just becuase you dont smoke? do you know whats going to happen to her after all that smoking? shes going to develope bad skin, probably throat cancer, alot of heart problems, bad very bad lungs and shes going to age quickly. is ALL that really worth some DUMB group? do you want  REAL friends who are going to accept you for who are , or do you want people to tell you what to do, how to dress, how to act, how to treat others just to be part of some stupid insane group?

  9. first put the cigarette in your mouth and just inhale the smoke

    *you will cough at this moment and try to exhale out through your nose you will observe that smoke is going through your mouth

    try it for at least five times and it will be ok

    warning:do not smoke in front of your parents

  10. Totally aggree with the 'dude'. I myself want to quit smoking but desperate how ?. It troubles sleep, breath, disturb stomach while throwing away money just to be 'burn'.  Follow the 'dude'.

  11. all i can say is ew.  I watched my grandfather pretty much explode from smoking. he got emphaseyma and was killed. Smoking is the worst choice you can make.. think of it like this:  wold you rather have a hot girlfriend for a little while or throw away your life.. It's your choice.. sorry i couldnt be of any help.

  12. Don't smoke, it's not cool, and all those people you mention will be developing cancers and such in about thirty years.

  13. No PLEASE don't do it!! I have lost too many family members from smoking-related illnesses. It may look cool, but it's just a disgusting, smelly habit. You don't need cigarettes to talk to girls or meet new people. Take initiave, and talk to people without relying on smoking to get you popularity points.

    Trust me; years from now, if you start smoking, you'll be trying to quit. Or you'll be trying to get into a serious relationship, but someone won't want to date you because you're a smoker. (Smokers die quicker, and second-hand smoke is really dangerous, so no one wants to date smokers!)

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