
I want to learn volleyball. Can the coach teach me one on one? or do i have to join a group of ppl?

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i plan to one on one with coach a few lesson first before doing it with a group.

Anyway, how to practice alone?




  1. Really, you have to teach yourself. It should just come to you. Your coach can teach you the basics like bumping, spiking, and setting, but after that, it's all up to you. Also, for additional practice, you can practice with a group. Once you have a lot of practice, you can start learning how to set up attacks on a team.

  2. You can do both, but find some team to play games with, there's alot more then just hitting the ball to V ball. You can get a personal coach but they normally cost alot of $$$.

    You can serve off a wall, same with bumping and setting off a wall, try to go back and forth hit the ball into the wall with a set then play it with a bumb then set again, back and forth that way you get to work on both.

  3. Your coach can certainly teach you the fundamental skills of the game -- such as serving, passing, setting, hitting -- one-one-one. And that would be a really good idea if you're new to the game. But volleybal is a team sport -- played with between 2-6 players -- so playing in a team setting will really provide the best venure to get better at the sport.

  4. When I was first starting out i joined in with a bunch of experienced players and I actually learned faster that way. I just watched what everyone was doing and copied it. One on one is a good method but you'll learn faster if you play with a group.

  5. well you should do it with allot of people because then you get the experience

  6. The answer is actually both.  You can learn a lot from one on one with a private coach.  I have a friend that is a coach and he gives an average of 20 private lessons a week.  

    If the private lessons get too expensive, you can see if you can find a friend or two to take a group lesson.  It cuts the cost.

    Volleyball is a team sport.  Even on the pro beach tour, you will need at least one person.  Most volleyball is 6 players on a side.  You will have to spend at least some time with groups in order to learn the team play.  You will love the dynamics of team volleyball.  Everyone covering their positions and constantly moving.

  7. volleyball is always gonna be a sport where there's more than one person, at least 4, so yeah to really learn how to play properly ... play the game ... with others

  8. Sorry, it's not like, tennis, for instance, where you can take lessons. HOWEVER, what is a really good way to improve your skills is to go to a camp, and you will have drastic results, just from doing it all day. Club is also a great way, especially if there's a "B" team you could join, if you're not quite up to the competitive level. Also, see if there are any rec leagues in your town. Good luck!

  9. get a private coach. i have one. shes awesome!! also club and academys are really funn. [[if you can afford it]]

    i can!!

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