
I want to legaly be with my mom!?

by  |  earlier

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my mom and dad got a devorce about 5 months ago, and my dad got custody but iv been wanting to be with my mom. but if i told my dad he would take it personally and be VERY mad at me! im only 13 and i have no idea what to do! i live in bay county FL! HELP!!! =[[[[[[[[




  1. if you want to be with your mom you can express this to a judge is there a reason your dad got custody over your mom (the mother almost allways gets sole custody) are you uncomterble living with your dad ? im so sorry about your parents divorce it must be so hard on you why dont you and your parents get togeather and discuss this maby come up with a sulition like live with your mom bur visit your dad on holodays summertime whater you wanna work  this way he cant be upset with you beceause you will get to see him and spend time togerther good luck sweetie your not alone there are so many kids in this situation

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