
I want to lift to get stronger for MMA, how should I do this without burning out?

by Guest58254  |  earlier

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I've looked around a bunch but it seems the answer varies on the sport and goal. I've seen different fighter use different methods but I want to know how I can keep lifting and getting stronger, without ruining my muscles or wasting time.

Everyone seems to have a different answer, sometimes it's wait 48 hours, sometimes its wait a week. I really don't know but I know that fighters train everyday of the week for hours a day.

I want to know how I can do the same thing.




  1. The healthiest way to work out daily is to alternate muscle groups. Pushing muscles day one, pulling muscles day two. Upper body day one, lower body day two. Whatever works for you, go for it. But do NOT train the same muscles every single day.

    Training the same muscles every day is the best way to burn yourself out mentally, and increase your risk of injury. Sure, technically you can do it, and technically there are those out there that do it. But be smarter then they are and resist the temptation. Do some research online, find a workout program that sounds good to you that mixes things up and doesn't overwork any specific muscle group. That's the smart way to train for any sport.

  2. To improve your muscles without burning urself out u should follow these easy steps

    make a schedule first off an do ur work out every 2nd day.

    Now here where the fun begins

    do 3 reps of each activity u wish, for instance, if u are benchin 150pounds an average 10lifts. set a goal of 12. Dont push to hard tho, u only increase the amount slowly.

    now here is how it will work.. Have ur activities planned out as  excercie 1,2,3,4

    now u will do them in that order.. once u do ur 4th activity go back to number 1. Do this 3 times. and u will feel like u had a good work out. The next day is ur relax day, its the day your muscles repair an get used to what u just did. Over time start increasin how many lifts u do an u will notice improvements.

    Also if ur focused on upper body on those days, on your day off u can jog/run up a sand hill to improve ur legs, that way each day you are alternating which section of body you are currently improving givin the other part time to rest.

    You wont burn out this way if u stick to it and have a balanced nutritious diet.

  3. Some of the greatest MMA fighters have never used weights

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