
I want to live in Australia?

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I'm brazilian, and I want to live in this amazing and wonderful country (australia). I'm Environment engineer, 27 years old. But I have fear to change for a country that I unknown. What you advices me?




  1. Australia is a multicultural country evryone is welcome here. As an enviroment engineer you would make a good living. Perhaps come here for a holiday before you decide.

    See these websites

  2. Australia is great, laid back and a pretty friendly bunch.  If you want to make the move, DO IT, otherwise you will ponder with your thoughts and may regret it if you don't

    Come on down! (under)

    All the Aussie chicks will love your accent!

  3. live in new zealand....we're more friendly...

  4. hey hey lookin good...good lookin, come live with me xx

  5. haha brazil wow ur  gonna be a chick magnet  lol  love listenin to different accents ull fit in ere

  6. I Made the move years ago and have never looked back the aussies are a friendly people and you would be welcome.

    Do not make the mistake lots of people do, Give it a try or you will spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been,you can always go back to Brazil but i bet you don't.

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