
I want to live in Italy for some time?

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Ok basically I went to Roma in 2005, and it was the best place on earth.

I have been in New York(hated it), London(its ok), where I live Dublin, Ireland(I love it cause' my friends is here), Barcelona(great place)

But nowhere means as much to me as Rome. I love the layout of the city. I didn't stay in a tourist area I stayed out where people are commuting to work everyday.

I want to know how hard is it to integrate in Italian culture?

I plan on learing on a lot of Italian over this summer.

I heard Italy is short of workers because it has oldest population in this the case?




  1. Italy is most definitely not short of workers.  In fact there is a law that Italians can only legally hold one job to ensure that there are enough jobs to go around.  It is near impossible for someone outside of the EU to find legal work here.  It is a bit easier if you come from and EU country, but not simple by any means.  In short, finding a job in Italy is very, very hard.  In order to work you need a special Permesso Di Soggiorno.  You cannot apply for this by yourself, you must first find someone willing to hire you, then they have to do all the work and pay all the fees in order to get you this permission.  As you can imagine, it is tough finding someone who would go through this trouble for a foreigner when they can just as easily hire an Italian citizen.  I would suggest looking for work within a company of the nation from which you come and seeking some sort of transfer.  Or you can look for black work, which apparently is somewhat common and easier to find, but who knows what you would end up doing.  I am looking for legal work and have been searching for a job for 1.5 years now.

    That being said, it is a great place to live.  Rome is not a very cosmopolitan city (like London or NYC, huge melting pots) but you will find different cultures and races more than you would in other parts of Italy.  

    I would recommend looking into getting your Permesso Di Soggiorno.  There are different types you can get, some allow you to work while others do not.  You can get one for study, one for familial reasons, etc.  Once you have one for some reason, you have an easier "in"  

    Good luck!

  2. Hi!

    I'm from Milan.

    I don't think it is difficult to find a work in Italy.

    There are many places and possibilities above all for young poeple (old people is more than young population and to pay the pensions to all the older people is very difficult for the State which has also to pay sanity). But what is difficult here is to find a work for all the life that allows people to buy an house or to make a family ,and careers are impossible. This is the world of seasonal jobs!

    This is also because...older people keep their job...and for Younger people there's no way to have their positions and to add new ideas. This is why I'd like to find a position in life in London or Ny ;o)

    I think is much more difficult to come to stay to Usa!I'm finding a lot of problems in having the green card!Usa asks us to have already a work or a school convalidation before coming...but is very difficult to find a job there from here!And the impossible (I'm not a lucky person);o) So it would be a cost moving without be secure.

    We have instead no problems in going to London because it is in the European Union. In will surely find job in some country near the sea, there are a lot of beautiful and ancient places. Italy was united only on 1861 and every city had a noble and  a castle with different costumes, food, uses, language exc...In the north near Piacenza food is very good. Milan is maybe the city with more possibilities of working.It is a commercial and multicultural city. But also Rome.If you come tell me, I will suggest you some good places to see!I leave you a link of job searching here:

    You can do a permission for job for about 1 year, after that year you will have only to show a job to remain. You can also do a study permission. After 5 years you are able also to have citizenship.

  3. hi I am could post this question in ITALY ANSWERS!!!

    good luck and welcome to Rome!!!

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