
I want to live in Jamaica. I am a us citizen what do I have to do. I have a passport.?

by Guest66902  |  earlier

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I want to live in Jamaica. I am a us citizen what do I have to do. I have a passport.?




  1. Ditto.  I thing you can stay 6 mos/ then return to the US for 6 mos, etc.  They do not let us get employment; takes away from locals.  I want to stay 3 mos out of the year at least and just chill and get back to the basics.  When I return to the States, I really want to sell my 'worldly' possessions and live in a commune!

    Good luck.

  2. I am an American and I live in Negril. I am self employed and do not have a job in country. I travel on a tourist visa and must return to the states every 6 months with my wife and two kids.

    Getting a work visa in Jamaica is not easy and almost impossible if you do not have a special job skill. If you are a doctor, teacher or nurse you can get a work visa pretty quick. If not then you can pretty much forget a work visa unless you can find a company here in Jamaica to sponsor you for one and before they do that they have to advertise the job locally and offer it to a Jamaican first.

    The local job market is pretty bad and the pay is bad for most jobs. I do okay here by earning US dollars working online but things are quite a bit more expensive here if you want to live like an American. If you live like Jamaicans do  then you can do well here but living like a Jamaican is tough for most of us

    My buddy lives here on his retirement and he could get residency much faster with his documented income. This would allow him to stay for longer than 6 months.

    I am registering my Florida corporation here in Jamaica with hopes to open some sort of business locally some day. Opening a business or investing in Jamaica is easier than getting a job but still a very difficult task. Everything takes longer and costs more and the bureaucracy here is stifling. It's 4 months now and the local telco has not been able to install my home phone so I can get DSL. The "soon come" attitude of the laid back inhabitants of the island permeates life and you cannot count on anyone to do anything on time or by a schedule.

    There is a new government in place and they have been "cleaning up things" here in Jamaica. One of the complaints has been of foreign workers taking the good jobs and they are placing pressure on any unlicensed or illegal workers. I know of at least two instances since the New Year of expats being hassled about their work status by Jamaican authorities.

    In the 8 months we have lived here at least 3 foreigners have been murdered. Developing friendships can be difficult when so many people here will see you as an opportunity to make money. I know of two people who developed pretty serious cocaine addictions because it's so cheap and easy to find.

    All of that said and I still love it here. I love Jamaica and I love Jamaicans. They are the most energetic and lively people and the natural beauty of this island is more amazing to me each day. I can sit and watch the sunset on the beach as dolphins frolic in the Caribbean in front of me or hike to 7000 feet above sea level through a lush forest to the Blue Mountain peak and see Cuba on a clear morning.

    Moving to and living in Jamaica has been absolutely amazing and a life enhancing experience but it is not an easy thing to do and before anyone makes a move like that I suggest they do some serious research and make more than one trip to the island. I suggest anyone thinking about moving to Jamaica spend at least a month or two there before making a major commitment. Going to Jamaica on a vacation is totally different from living in Jamaica and what seems like a great idea for many is only suited to a select few of us.

    I used two websites for information about Jamaica before I moved here. They are and


  4. check the embassy

  5. I would like to live in Jamaica as well,because my boyfriend lives there! The economy is very hard down there.I am working hard every day,saving my money! You should divide your time between the US and jamaica until you find suitable employment. You can apply for dual citizenship.Long distance relationships can be very hard! Just work real hard and save your money! Amerian money goes further in Jamaica.Good luck to you!

  6. You will need to research the embassy wesite and/or contact the embassy to see what the residence and work visa requirements are.  See site below.  I expect it would be very difficut to get a work it is in ALL countries.

  7. Good luck.  Charlie's answer makes sense.  I think that you would be limited in your ability to work there, so you want to check that out.

  8. If you are independently wealthy, then you can take two routes. 1. go for 6 months at a time, come home for a few days and then go back or 2. apply for immigrant status there.

    if you intend to work option two is your route and you will need to apply for a work permit until your immigrant status is approved. you will also need a TIN in order to work.


  9. well u have to just move here

    if u intend to work u can get a work permit here.  get your drivers liscense / trn number

    u can become naturalised

    and make sure u dont have to visit US often to maintain citizenship.... (Permanent Residence  

    Permanent Resident Status is usually conferred on application to Foreign Nationals who have lived in Jamaica for a minimum of two (2) years, provided they meet certain criteria.)

    then u just buy a one way ticket... or a cheap return one.

    if u buying property and are going to send the money u may have to get something from bank of jamaica but that is it.

    heck i dont even think u need to show u have no criminal record..

    well ALL the info is at that site if u need more info email me!

    Keep in mind that LIFE in Negris IS NOT THE SAME as life in Kingston.  Kingston is a city... negril is like rural country side!!

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