
I want to live in Melbourne someday?

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but are there even any black people in melbourne or would I pretty much be the only black face in all of australia?




  1. No, you would not be the only black face in Australia.  Also, if you are going to take on the mantel of worrying about the colour of your skin - probably best to stay where you are for a while; at least until you accept yourself for who you are.  traveling to a new country to live probablyw ould be a bit much of a challenge while there are emotional development issues been addressed.

    Melbourne would luv to ahve you - bring your umberella and lots of warm clothes.

  2. que  ? so sei dizer que madonna vem para o brazil em dezembro e vai deixar vocês ai kkkkkkk

  3. melbourne is very multi cultural.

    we ahve heaps of asians and muslims and whites.

    there are black people too. i dont see them every day but im sure there are heaps all in the city. i judt dont go to the city heaps.

    live here for a bit and the decide if you want to stay

    melb is a great city :)

  4. Good Grief, no! There are plenty of coloured people in Melbourne, just as there are in all pour other cities. Apart from our own Aborigines, there are immigrants, and the descendants of immigrants, from all over the world. Whatever your skin colour, you'll find it hard to be darker than anyone else on the street.

    Why Melbourne? Cold old hole. I Lived there from 1961 -72, and then came back home to Adelaide. Smaller. slower, more easy-going, and dry.

  5. ha ha i live here and dont worry youll fit right in. australians are very welcoming to all races. melbourne has more asian people than any other race. youll be fine. and by the way this is an AMAZING city. youll really love it. if you want any more details ping me an email

  6. There are heaps of black people all over Australia. I know it may be hard to believe, but Australians genuinely don't care what colour you are. It's simply not a subject that ever comes up. If you have a chip on your shoulder and come here expecting to be treated differently, it may well happen, but if you come with an open mind and a friendly and accepting attitude, that's what you'll get in return.

  7. You should apply for a working vacation visa from your one and only "Government"!  Live there for a year and then decide whether or not it's right for you

    just as long as you haven't committed a felony, you should really research for a working vacation visa which is 75 pounds brittish.  There are currently 130,000 people living on working vacation visas in austrailia.  

    What you do is you get one and it allows you to work for a year in any foreign country you choose.  Then you pay for your plane ticket, hop aboard and travel there.  It's much better than buying a house and realising the life you'll live isn't for you.

    Check it out and let me know how it goes

  8. uh yeah we do have black people we have migrants from everywhere aboriginies are the "african american version" of black people in Australia we also have a pretty large community of people from Africa

    you'll be fine you'll fit right in!

  9. Melbourne is very multi-cultural and has residents from all the corners of the globe.

  10. is that a serious question?

    sure there are black pple in australia - sure - not like in africa uk or usa, but there are blacks here too.

    in fact, in many ways, it might even work in your favour!

  11. the indigenous people of australia have black skin

    i live in preston in melbourne, and there are plenty of african people in my suburb. there are also plenty of indigenous australians. oh, and indians, pakistanis, and sri lankans. not many american negroes though.

    check out wikipedia on australia and melbourne

  12. No way we have plenty of black people in Melbourne.

    As to Blaire G's comment that we have aboriginals just like the  "african americans" - not saying it is wrong but want to make sure everyone realises that the aboriginals, or indiginous Australians, are the natural inhabitants of Australia, it is really their land that all of us 'white aussies' have come to.

    The african americans are not the natural inhabitants of america - I think that would be the native americans or the 'american/red indians' I think they are called so it's kind of not the exact same thing.

    And Mrs Cullen, muslim is not a race, it is a religion.

    It is like saying "we have lots of asians, whites and jewish people"......

    While there is a cultural difference, and some (but not all) of them wear a burqua - they don't look very different.

    maybe you meant Arabs or something?... just a suggestion.

    So really you will be fine - the natural people of this country are black!!

    And also we do have people of African descent here, I have a few friends whose ancestors came from Africa, you will fit in fine!!

    We love new people anyway - as long as you are up for a good time we don't care what you look like!!

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