
I want to live in florence italy for a couple years. How do i make it happen?

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never been there....lived in the states my whole it possible to make it on my own




  1. you buy a plane ticket, get a passport, get on the plane, land in italy, take the train to florence, find an apartment and stay there for two years-mission accomplished.

  2. Isn't that the question!!  I've been here a while now.  You should e-mail me.  We could talk for days.  The documents are complicated, the language is complicated, the italians are complicated, but the food is great and the scenery is lovely.  I'd love to hear from you.

  3. To live in a foreign country for a couple of years (if Europe is not your resident place) you must know that you have to be working or studying in there. If you can´t find a job, you can choose an international school and pay for studing the language in the foreign country, Italy in your case. But if you have enough money to spend a couple of years in Italy by yourself, congratulations because then, "you are citizen of the world" and you can live wherever you want without having to be exported to your country every three months.

    Good luck!!

  4. If you are a European citizen you can live and work in Florence or study here with no problems.  If you are not an EU citizen you are an "extracomunitario" you need a visa to study or work for two years.  If you want to work you have to first find a job and have the employer request a visa for you, then return to your home country to get it.  Things may become easier with the new government. Berlusconi's right wing gov't made life hard for extracomunitari.

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