
I want to live on a farm/ countryside?

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I want to live in the countryside/farm, but i want to have some good reasons! help? i know it will help with my health, so that helps! any more info?




  1. We do too and are planning to move if we can ever find the right place. The advantages are the cost of real estate, the lack of pollution (mostly, and relatively), and the exercise we're going to get working our butts off. And we're retired; we don't plan to make a living at farming. On the other hand, medical and dental care are farther away, as are all the amenities. Still the idea of having enough room to shelve all our books is very tempting, as is the possibility of a fishpond and a wine/beer/root cellar.

  2. well its not all smiles and chuckles lots of work on a farm

    you must learn to do without a lot of things as the corner store is not around the corner but possibly miles away.We had a 50 acre farm with a 1 acre garden that needed constant working and another 1 acre asparagus plot.We burn wood and needed 40 cords of fire wood cut and split and piled each year of hard wood.I had 50 chickens I raised for food each year and looked after the apple orchard,My dad had a job off farm to keep things going.Plus our driveway was 450 ft and needed to be shovelled but real heavy snow the neighbour would do with the tractor snow-blower.

  3. I think you are talking about renting a farmhouse where everyone comes to your assistance and does everything and all you want to do is listen to the crickets.

    Just stay in town and buy some nature CDs for when you go to sleep.  You do not belong in the country.  It's not for wannabe preppies who think it's fashionable for THIS week....then next week, after the 1st hard storm or leaking roof...not knowing anyone around to ask for help and having to pay full price for any handyman in the next 'big' town 20 miles away---you won't last.  Just buy the CDs and forget this notion.  Believe me.  I can just tell you're a romanticist and you have abso-fukking-lutely no idea about living in the country.

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