
I want to loose 10 lbs by september 21, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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it's my birthday, i want to loose ten lbs.

ok, so im gonna start school tomorrow and i wont have much time to exercise, but i will sqeeze everything in.

tell me what i should do!

btw, im 120 lbs and 5'4''





  1. play wii after homework.

  2. If you don't normally drink alot of water, the easiest and quickest way to start to lose some weight is to drink water. I used to drink soda all the time and then just got sick of it one day. I don't like drinking plain water so I get water bottles and add Wyler's or Crystal Lite to it (the to go packs). I drink 2-3 of those a day and I lost 7 pnds in one weeks. The first 5-10 pnds will come off quick from drinking the water. After that, if you continue then you will still lose weight but it will be at a slower rate.

    Anyone I've ever known who started drinking water or just stopped drinking soda or tea, lost alot of weight in the first week. My husband stopped drinking soda for awhile and he lost 10 pnds in one week and 5 more the next. At one point I drank 1-2 soda's a day and the rest water or water mixtures and still lost 5-7 in one week.

    Obviously there are many ways to lose weight but drinking lots of water if you usually don't always makes you lose several pounds in the first week because your body is no longer retaining water. Your body is largly made up of water and if you don't drink enough it will retain water to make up for it. (however, I have heard of people getting full body wraps and losing 5 pnds just from one wrap because it dehydrates you and pulls all the water weight off).

    While your at it you can try eating alot of salad instead of other foods. Salads are free foods meaning you can eat as much as you want and you wont gain weight and they help fill you up. This is as long as you don't use a fattening dressing or cheese and other additives, keep it to the simple veggies.

    Do exercise when you can to keep your metabolism up. Its best that you do it in the morning. And don't eat after 7 or 8 pm. Also, if you get a chance, take a walk at night.

    As I said, there are several ways but I think these will help and be the quickest and easiest. Take it from someone who has tried all the diets and programs, pills etc. and struggled all her life. These are what I found works for a fast solutions and even long term.

    Good luck and happy birthday! Be careful and no crash diets.

  3. statistically, people who lose weight slow will keep off the weight, and people who crash diet will gain the weight back plus more. you can lose weight fast, but it will set your metabolism into starvation mode...since you don't weigh much to begin with for your height, it will take longer than someone obese to lose 10 lbs, since you are fighting against your metabolism. try to get in as many intervals of cadio exercise as you can through out the day.

    write a list of all the veggies and fruit you like and snack on those. if you eat white bread, replace it with whole wheat or grain.

    what ever cardio you can do, jumping jacks, stair climbing, running in place, whatever, get those in!

  4. that's about a month  so just try to loose 5 pounds. it's around a pound a week. when your a kid its bad to loose so much. just loose 5 pounds and tone your stomach by crunches and sit-ups. happy almost bday!  

  5. Get a book called Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Dean Ornish. It is probably available at your local library.

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