
I want to loose 50lb by ecember is that imposible. What the diet going to be. please help?

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I want to loose 50lb by ecember is that imposible. What the diet going to be. please help?




  1. do weight watchers

  2. If you quit drinking soda that will really help you alot on losing weight. Try not to eat fried food or food that contain alot of oil. The way to maintain a healthy diet is to of course exercise. For people your age treadmills and diet programs aren't good. Instead playing sports for example football. Makes you lose alot of calories. The way to lose weight is to burn more than the calories you eat. For example you eat a hot dog with 600 calories, after that go outside burn up to 1200 calories. Also, eating breakfast is very important for people who want to lose weight. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner you don't have to eat it. Also when you are feeling hungry first get a glass of water it may just mean your thirsty. If your hungry next eat a small portion. And also when you eat dinner with your family you don't have to finish everything on your plate. Staying away from sugar (especially chocolate), butter, chips, cookies, snacks etc, sugared drinks like soda. Also when your exercising drink water instead of energy drinks, water is the best beverage for your body. And if you really wanna impress some girls ^^ hehe start working out when your 18+. This is because when you work out at your age your muscles are still developing and its gonna get messed up =D. Also don't eat after 7 o clock. It helps alot trust me. This is because when you eat something before bed your body isnt moving as much which causes yo develop belly fat.

    So overall stay away from chocolate, soda, chips, sugared drinks.

    also get a fun sport you and your friends can play together. Replace cookies, chips, etc with fruits. Don't eat after 7 o clock. And when your feeling hungry drink water, if your still hungry eat small portions. Excersie!!!!!!!! No bad food!!!! And fast food - food that'll kill you. Stay away from fast food its disgusting and bad for you.

    In about months follow these steps and start working out BAM. You turned into Brad Pitt

  3. When is Ecember? Did we add another month? Seriously, proof reading is not that difficult.

  4. it's not impossible all you have to do is try everyday as hard as you can and eat salads drink lot's of water. The main thing is to believe in your self if you don't believe in your self you'll get no where.Remember to eat fruit and a big healthy breakfast and at lunch eat less than you ate at breakfast then when it comes to dinner eat less than you ate at lunch put it in a simple term  " eat like a king at breakefast a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner"  

    hope i helped you good luck !

  5. People normally gain weight over the winter months. Don't know whether or not you live in the southern hemisphere and when winter is for you. Here it's in december. Diet usually isn't enough. You need exercise too for fifty lb weight loss in a couple months. If you physically run all day and don't eat much you will lose the weight in a shorter amount of time. I've lost 75 pound in the month I was in jail but I was miserable. Where there's a will there's a way. I don't recommend you go to jail to lose it though.

  6. 50 lbs in three months is not realistic and healthy.  Do 20 minutes cardio every day (or at least 5 days a week).  Eat carbs at breakfast (yes eat breakfast) with proteins.  Eat far fewer carbs at lunch with more protein.  Eat no or minimal carbs at dinner with more protein.  You need carbs at the beginning of the day and fewer as the day goes on.  Limit bread to one meal (preferably the breakfast meal).  Cut out anything with sugar as the main ingredient like soda, sweetened tea, sports drinks and so on.  Stay away from anything that is "fortified."  Don't eat out!!!  Manage your meals, set a routine and stick to becomes a habit.  50lbs is achievable in about 6 months at a healthy weight loss.  Healthy weight loss is about 5-8lbs month.    

  7. I think weight watchers works like super good! I lost 6lbs the first week!!

    But you really have to stick with it and go to the gym! Join a workout place like 24hour or lifetime!

  8. log in to   very not miss it

  9. Dieting is NOT the answer. An entire lifestyle change will likely be necessary, this includes eating healthy. Veggies, Whole wheat, no junk food - at all -, and implementing an exercise plan.

    Talk to your doctor about speaking with a dietitian, and making sure that the change will be HEALTHY for you. Your doctor might recommend a physiotherapist or a gym - depending on th circumstances - for you to get some one on one with a personal fitness trainer.

    Congrats on your choice to be healthy!

  10. excerise excersise excersise! eat a healthy diet. no snacking. 3 meals a day, you'll probaly succeed

  11. South Beach diet and lots of exercise and drinking water

  12. Good news bad news.....

    Good news is it is possible.... Bad news Exercise w/weight training to build muscle which helps you burn more fat and do cardio training to help burn a low fat/ low sugar/low carb diet....for the rest of your life or you will gain it all back


    live exactly like you are now and use the safe legal FDA compliant product below to easily lose all 50 lbs before December without Starving or Dieting & exercising.

    By the way, I am a exercise nut and take some natural supplements and eat a pretty balanced lifestyle


    I am living proof after my senior seaon of football ended at the end of november 2007 I lost 50 lbs by graduation in may

    I did not diet

    Instead just try eating at home as much as possible

    Cut out soda, fast food, and some junk food

    But if you have a craving give into it a little so you don't go crazy

    Try doing some circuit training with a group

    always mix it up so you and your body does not get used to anything

    Running is always good

    I do 5 miles every day you might want to work up to that

  14. 50lbs by december wouldnt be healthy. But! You can still lose a good amount of weight in that time. I'd sugest eating around 1200-1800 per day, depending on your lifestyle, and how much you eat regularly. Exersize 5 days out of the week, and take 2 days off to let your body get some engergy back. Try jogging, or even taking long walks. Drink alot of water, it helps keep you hydrated, and from eating too much food throughout the day. Stay away from soda, even diet soda! water is much better for you, while soda actually can dehydrate you. Treat your self to food you like, just in smaller portions. ext..ext.

    You'll lose weight pretty quickly, and in a HEALTHY matter, and thats whats important.

  15. The best thing to do is make a lifestyle change. Diets dont' work unless you plan on eating the way the diet does for your life. You should cut down on foods that are known to slow your matabolism down. If you eat decently healthy, then do more exercise to burn off the calories. You can use weight watchers to help you through the transtions. They tell you ways to make healthy meals and snacks and help you get to your goal or set a goal appropriate for your height, weight and bone structure. Hope this helps.

  16. i really don't think it is maybe if you moved the date up to January 4 months isn't enough.

    i would try cutting back on sodas, sugars, coffee, dairy, white bread, pasts, noddles, anything fried, and candy

    try running 2 miles everyday and doing cardio an hour everyday.

    good luck!

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