
I want to loose a stone in 4 weeks. Please read on?

by Guest66895  |  earlier

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Hi i have put a stone on in around a 6 week period. I have a wedding to attend in september and want to look my best. What diets and fitness regime would you reccommend? I am 5'6 and weigh 9 stone 13lbs. All my clothes have gone really tight, well in fact non of my jeans fit. lol. I used to be 9 stone 3 pounds but ideally would like to be 9 stone. The fat has mostly gone on my belly, waist and hips and i am not a very happy bunny to say the least!!! lol




  1. if you know why you have put the weight on then avoid, cut right back try the special k diet

  2. My mum did something called the Rosemary connolly diet, you can look it up on the internet but she went to the class everyweek, it shows you exactly what food/drink to eat each day and with this diet you loose half a stone in 2 weeks, it really did work you just have to be very strict and do exactly what it says to eat. After these first two weeks it shows you what you can do next. All this is combined with exercise as well.

    If you don't want to do this diet then i suggest that you cut out chocolate completely and other fatty things and things that are high in calories. Make sure you eat 3 meals a day, as dieting is not about not eating anything at all, it is about eating the right things. Make these meals small and make sure they are healthy, like salads etc. Try not to snack between meals, if you want to then make sure these snacks are things like nuts or fruit.

    Combine this with exercise, walking, running etc. you can do exercise at home, also you could buy a fitness DVD!

    lol good luck hunni im sure you'll get there if you stay determined! just think of how good you will look at the wedding! best of luck x*x

  3. go  wheat  free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7

    p.m.  People  achieve  marvellous  results  with it. Depending on your

    initial  weight,  you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't

    eat  wheat  then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you

    don't  eat  junk  food,  and  you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is

    still  balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or

    to buy special meals or plans.

  4. You sound a healthy weight people like you wind me up, there are some people out there with geuine weight issues, GET A LIFE

  5. I have no idea what measurement a stone is---sorry.  I wish you had added more information.

  6. 1 stone in 4 weeks is very achievable, but you need to be strict with yourself.

    Boost your weight loss by doing some cardio and toning exercises too - running and cycling are good cardio and swimming combines both.

    Eat less, take your usual amount of food and cut it in half, if you get hungry fill up on a glass of water followed by some fruit or veggie sticks in between meals.  Try to lay off the carbs and cut down drastically on alcohol and fizzy drinks.

    You can do this you know you can!!!

    Best Wishes, have a good wedding, you're going to look fabulous.

    Kez x

    Yes I think Hayley S has an attitude problem too - her problem is probably that she can't stop stuffing her face long enough to loose weight! So she takes it out on everyone else.

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