
I want to loose some weight.?

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I dont want to diet I just want to figure out a simple thing to help me loose weight before I go back to school which is in a week. I am 13 years old and 118 lbs. Can anyone help me? thanks [=




  1. go  wheat  free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7

    p.m.  People  achieve  marvellous  results  with it. Depending on your

    initial  weight,  you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't eat  wheat  then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don't  eat  junk  food,  and  you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is

    still  balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

  2. hi

    you are way to young to diet.

    just go for walks in morning/evening whatever suites u , join swimming if your weather permits thrice a week.

    good luck

  3. Brenda,  You don't say how tall you are so it is not clear that you are overweight.

    The best thing to do is eat healthy and exercise more, roller blade, walk the dog, etc.  Don't over eat.  Eat small meals just be more aware of what you are eating.  Don't go back for second helpings, etc.

  4. Learn more about what your body needs and plan your diet accordingly. To loss weight, you will need to expense more calories than you take in.

    By careful planning your diet, you will be able to have a lifestyle change and this will lead to long term weight loss( which is what you want!).

    Read more about my experience how I manage to see result in 2 weeks at my blog , feel free to contact me if you want more of my diet experience.

  5. Alright first thing you need to know about weight; your weight is not defined by how much your friends weigh. In other words, just because your friend wears a size 0 does not mean that is what size is right for you.

    Secondly, your goal weight isn't just what you want to weigh. It needs to be a combination of what is right for your height, age, and gender.

    An accurate calculator is:

    The best way to lose weight fast, without dieting, is up your cardio in your workouts. To benefit from cardio, you must at the very least exercise 20 min. When approaching a "weight-loss" program like you intend to, you clearly must put in more than 20 min. This is especially so because you are not changing your diet, which I don't recommend, but at least you are honest with yourself.

    Therefore, I would recommend that you take advantage of the weather outside right now and go swimming everyday until you go back to school. At your age, swimming seems to be considered more of a social event than exercise. That said, make sure you are vigorously swimming and you'll be on your way to burning 600+ calories/hr.

    Another good pool tip is to tread water. Many celebs swear by it including Jen Aniston. She treads water for a half hour everyday.

    Best Advice: Get outside and get moving!

    P.S. If you aren't going to change the diet, at least make sure you up your water intake :)

  6. i want to loose weight too just try to do some exercise or go to the jim every morning

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